Comments on: Swank Digs — Great Midcentury Apartment Signage Random pop culture offerings from Humuhumu & Hanford Lemoore Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:23:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Humuhumu Humuhumu Thu, 05 Apr 2007 01:11:00 +0000 The old Town & Country mini-malls have great big signs that look just like those lamps, too — I tried to get a picture of one the other day, but it came out blurry.

Driving around looking at midcentury buildings & signage is one of my very most favoritest things — and a big part of why I love Los Angeles so much. We should all go on a driving tour of Los Angeles together some time.

Ah, Pollardville, we hardly knew ye….

By: cleenbean cleenbean Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:06:42 +0000 hey ive seen some of these places before! i always thought i was the odd duck in that, i can be an incredibly cheap date by just driving me around the suburbs and looking at signage at apts/theaters/etc.

hey, and speaking of those lamps you like, there are a few they are selling right now at pollardville. they are freaking gigantic, and even have ones that are painted in a crazy french motif (red white and blue colored glass and such, and they are at least 3 feet high).

anyway…*sniff sniff*, pollardville closes tomorrow. :(
