Comments on: How To Tell If Your Ventriloquist Puppet Is Evil Random pop culture offerings from Humuhumu & Hanford Lemoore Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:23:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Mary Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:37:22 +0000 I’m Mary, and I absolutely LOVE my human. I agree with my doll friends but if any of them try to hurt my girl I will defend her!!! She isn’t like the rest of the humans. She loves us dolls.

By: Lerry Lerry Sat, 10 Mar 2012 03:49:42 +0000 I was driving home with my mom after we had just been at the store. I was sitting in the back seat while carrying an evil ventriloquist dummy named Slappy in my arms. While halfway home, I tried tossing Slappy out the car window, but he held onto the side of the car and climbed back in angrily. I begged him to forgive me and told him I was sorry. Then, when I got home, I locked him in my moms car and ran up on our porch and pointed and laughed at him while he stared at me in anger from the back seat window. Then, while I was laughing, he turned into a twinkling star, flew into my ass, turned back into his normal self, and said “IT’S SUPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR TIIIIIIIIIIIIME” in a very evil and sinister voice. He then began to devour all of the shit in my ass while making a “RARARARARARARARARARARARA” sound. This tickled my ass so much that I ran off the porch and began rubbing dirt in my face, which didn’t help anyway. Then, I woke up, and still haven’t forgotten the tickle that was inflicted upon my ass.

Don’t make the same mistake that I did by locking Slappy in a car, running up on a porch, and then proceeding to point and laugh at him. super bootyasscheeks jones of bootyassiousness ultimatum

By: james dean james dean Sat, 16 Jul 2011 03:58:49 +0000 jason hereior
was someone controling the dummy?

By: james dean james dean Sat, 16 Jul 2011 03:42:39 +0000 barbie you have the most cutiest dolls ever i for 1 would never hurt them so please don’t kill me i have a life to live

By: james dean james dean Sat, 16 Jul 2011 03:35:33 +0000 I beleive in spooks because i saw a door open with nobody at it.

slappy you are an idiot because you were trying to kill inosent people.

not cool

By: Bob Bob Wed, 23 Feb 2011 12:43:45 +0000 Slappy just hit pee wee ‘s head off

By: bob bob Wed, 23 Feb 2011 12:39:05 +0000 Hi I’m Slappy I’m going to use this computer what ever you say ps daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ps he ha he ha

By: beth beth Thu, 16 Sep 2010 21:55:20 +0000 I just love how you ‘people’ think you can burn us, or destroy us.. it’s really funny. I’ve already killed the Vonchpach family. It wasn’t easy though. I hope this scares the shit out of you, because were going to kill every last human on this earth. YOU ALL CAN BURN

By: Barbie Barbie Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:44:21 +0000 I’m barbie, I agree with all the dummies who left a comment. I can’t wait for another human to drop me, kick me, cut my hair off, and so on and so forth! I will kill you in your sleep. you just wait.. I’m not on here to scare you, i’m here to warn you all who don’t care about us dolls. We are more valuable then you are. I’LL HAVE MY REVENGE SOMEDAY.!

By: Solveig Wilder Solveig Wilder Mon, 11 Jan 2010 16:17:28 +0000 Stop Scape-Goating the Dummy! It’s the person with his hand up the ventriloquist doll’s butt that is evil, not the doll itself.

By: jack jack Tue, 27 Oct 2009 01:02:35 +0000 DIPSHITS!!!!!

By: jack jack Tue, 27 Oct 2009 01:01:11 +0000 wtf? dipshits evil dummies slappy tony and f@#@face is makin this up just to scare u im on that one guys side who said its just your imagination i own a ventriloquist doll and he is not evil at all dumbasses

By: tony tony Mon, 12 Oct 2009 00:51:32 +0000 actully im gunna shoot all humans o_0

By: tony tony Mon, 12 Oct 2009 00:49:12 +0000 by the way good on willie talk i had a kid brother called willie some basterd burnt him im wanna kill him to’

By: tony tony Mon, 12 Oct 2009 00:46:11 +0000 hi im tony a dummy hey not all of us are evil i only killed this guy cause he set my ass alight so i got a gun and shot him silly in the head at least ive got nice one at thhe momen’t ( doesen’t even know im usen his freakin computer by the way i have a foul mouth but watch out ive got a pal called billy and chuck wood their gunna kill all humans and im kinda angaints it only kill idots and people who hate dummy’s I MEAN YOU LOT SO WATCH OUT!

By: slappy slappy Wed, 02 Sep 2009 22:02:26 +0000 I will have revenge on everybody who ignores me i will have to say that i am on billie and willie’s side….say good bye humans cause when we come, oh when we come, we will come with a vengance!!i may be nice enough to stop when you say chatty cathy or i may not be so nice so humans a little tip, stop putting your hands up inside us,stop dropping us,lastly no gun,no knife and certainly no amount of fire will bring me down!!!!

sleep with one eye open tonight because tonight can be the night where humans DIE!!

By: Vinnk Vinnk Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:25:01 +0000 Here’s a suggestion how to get rid of it, just blow it’s head off with a double barrel shotgun (eepically sawed off…)

By: patch patch Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:08:06 +0000 all the comments saying i woke up and saw my doll move and all are because when you stay up late or wake up in the night you may see shadows in dolls or people on your posters might make small movments or big ones this all depends in your leve of tiredness and this is your brain tricking you from a dream to reality (or even if you didnt have a dream) and it still thinks it can control what you see…

most ghost reports and storys are just fake mind images made from tiredness

hope this helps…..

By: CHILLIE CHILLIE Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:09:33 +0000 I see Billie and Willie have told u about my plans. Achmed and I can’t wait to get Peanut. Jose can’t wait either. Nor Jose the jolapenio on a sticks girl friend, the pickle on the pencil. Achmeds gonna blow up all over you! Just kiddin’, it’s Ben. Hehe

By: Ben Ben Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:02:53 +0000 UH…. Will and Bill are creeping me out. You come near my family you’ll get a face full of lead! Lol. I Have the B-b gun pumped and ready! Wait, I hope my bush doll doesn’t attack me, cause then I’d be the person who killed Bush. Obama, I can live with shooting him though lol.

By: BILLIE BILLIE Fri, 24 Oct 2008 23:29:52 +0000 hey im billie. i see my pal willie has told you about us. well he and some of his friends may be nice enough to let you go by saying the oh so magic words of chatty chatty. but i will not! you will still die and i will like it. ill eat wuts rest of you. but what i didnt tell you is ill do it with you and your most 3 loved ones at the same time. and the only way ill consider stopping is if you eat the pealed skin off of each other after it is pealed. i do oh so enjoy the sound of human screams, unlike my friend willie, it makes him unhappy, he enjoys not the screams, but the taste of you brats! it gives me a warm chilly feeling to have heard the beautiful, priceless sound of a humans scream! us dolls aren’t “evil” we’re seeking revenge. we only need 100 more people to say we are evil to piss us off and we’ll do it. well be on the look out! Something willie forgot to tell you was that, not only do you drown us, melt us, and such, but we dont like it when you stick your hands up our backs!


By: ClimberChick ClimberChick Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:20:25 +0000 I do not believe in them being evil at all….I think thats just silly. But when I was young
I used to watch ‘Goosebumps’ a lot, really late at night, and it had vantriloquist doll
named Slappy who would try and kill these kids that found him…I would have nightmares about
him trying to get me all the time. Im not afraid if them now, but they always give me the chills

By: Charlie Charlie Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:28:17 +0000 All of these posts about dolls being evil is poppycock! I have three figures, that I have had for years. I got my first one, when I was seven years old. I can’t believe that people think that dolls can be evil little demons who only exist to kill people and draw evil into tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

By: me =] me =] Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:59:25 +0000 grrrr evil dolls! burn them all!

By: Adam Adam Fri, 21 Dec 2007 23:44:53 +0000 Well Personally I Love These So Called “Evil dolls” They Are Truly Not Evil, They Are Just Misunderstood. You See You Don’t Know The True Power Of These Dolls Untill You Own One. They Are Truly Wonderful Things. I Love Them :) x

Adam McCrory 13 Male UK
