Comments on: You’re Soaking In It! Random pop culture offerings from Humuhumu & Hanford Lemoore Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:23:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sir Henry Sir Henry Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:00:59 +0000 The funny thing is that they say that it is good for your hands, but apparently not so nice to other parts of the body. My wife’s ex-husband once used Palmolive as a body wash since he didn’t have any soap and didn’t think to check under her sink for any of the myriad soaps that she had. He burned his…um…well, sack with that stuff. So, let that be a lesson to all those people out there who might think, “If it is good for my hands, It must be phenomenal for the rest of my body.”

By: Monica Monica Sun, 24 Jun 2007 13:36:09 +0000 Mild more than just mild!, I have that as my dish soap now, I never tried soaking in it, maybe one day!

By: University Update - YouTube - You’re Soaking In It! University Update - YouTube - You’re Soaking In It! Sat, 23 Jun 2007 20:57:20 +0000 [...] Link to Article youtube You’re Soaking In It! » Posted at Junkyard Clubhouse on Saturday, [...]
