10th March 2007

Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cakes

Baker's Coconut Animal Cut-Up Cakes
Baker’s Coconut Animal Cut-Up Cakes

I’ve had this up on my photo pages for a while, and it’s perfect for Junkyard Clubhouse. This Animal Cut-Up Cakes booklet, put out by Baker’s Coconut in 1959, has full-color photos and instructions to make about a dozen different animal-shaped cakes by cutting up standard size round and rectangular cakes — and then encrusting them with unnaturally tinted Baker’s Coconut, of course. That’s Dandy-Lion pictured there on the cover, I had him for my fifth birthday. My brother had Fanny the Fish for one of his early birthdays.

My grandmother probably ordered away for it, it wound up with my mother, and I’ve had it with me since I moved out of the house. Aside from my sentimental attachment to it, I also think it’s beautifully designed and photographed, and it is just so 1959 (right down to the illustrations of a housewife baking in a dress and high heels). I have the whole thing scanned and up at Humuhumu’s Life in Photos, where you can see Tortie the Turtle, Ella Elephant, Quack-Quack the Duck, and all their coconutty friends.

This booklet inspired me to create a cut-up cake of my own design, a hula girl — you’ll find directions for her there, too.

UPDATE: Looking for Easter Bunny Cut-Up Cakes? I’ve got some here: Baker’s Coconut Easter Bunny Cut-Up Cake

Fanny the Fish Cut-Up Cake
Fanny the Fish Cut-Up Cake

There are currently 122 responses to “Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cakes”

  1. 1 On March 16th, 2007, donna said:

    Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this. I too grew up with this book, and the picture of Dandy-Lion is ingrained in my psyche. I was just searching for a cake to make for a silly Pisces birthday party, and was remembering the book… What a treat to find the whole thing! The internet is truly a wonderful place.

    Cheers, donna

  2. 2 On March 18th, 2007, Patti said:

    I still have this same book from my mom. I LOVE it! I can’t wait to make one for my girls! I loved the fish cake and the rocking horse.

  3. 3 On March 19th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    My pleasure, it makes me so happy to hear from other people who remember this booklet. I used to daydream about eating Dandy-Lion’s legs. Mmmmmm, licorice!

  4. 4 On March 21st, 2007, Amy said:

    I grew up with these as well-every birthday is a different cake, rocketships for my brothers, I had the fish a couple of times—my mother has recently misplaced the books she had and my daughter’s birthday is this weekend-I had planned to make the butterfly–HELP ME PLEASE!!!!! The cake in Family Fun just doesn’t cut it!!! : )

  5. 5 On March 21st, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Here’s the instructions for the butterfly cake, Amy:

    Butterfly Cut-Up Cake

    Hope that helps!

  6. 6 On March 21st, 2007, Amy said:

    Thanks for the quick response-had I not been so excited to find them-I could have read your page and found the link.

    Did you know there are 2 of these books with different cut outs??? We had both and now can’t find them.

    Thanks again, my daughter will have her butterfly birthday cake after all!!!!

  7. 7 On March 21st, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Yeah, I found a bigger, later (1970s) book from Baker Coconut at an estate sale in Pasadena a few years ago; I still have it kicking around here somewhere. It’s got a lot more cakes in it, but the graphics just aren’t as cool, and the binding is less scanner-friendly. Someday I may scan in some of it.

    Happy birthday to your daughter!

  8. 8 On April 6th, 2007, MARIE LETIZIA-SHERIDAN said:


  9. 9 On April 7th, 2007, jane crabtree said:

    I have a page with the bunny , but I think it’s an ad cut from a magazine, not a page that tells how to make it. Would you like a copy of it anyway?

  10. 10 On April 7th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Jane, if you want, you can email me a scan of your ad, and I can post it here for people to see. My email is hello@humuhumu.com . I haven’t come across my other Cut-Up Cakes book yet, I may try to look for it today, in case it has a full-body bunny in it.

  11. 11 On April 7th, 2007, Baker’s Coconut Easter Bunny Cut-Up Cake » Junkyard Clubhouse said:

    [...] book is from 1973, and it isn’t nearly as cool as my 1959 booklet of Cut-Up Cakes, from a design point of view — but it has more cakes in it, including this great, full body [...]

  12. 12 On April 7th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Okay, I found my other book of Cut-Up Cakes, and it has two Easter Bunny cakes, including a full-body one. I’ve posted it here. Hope that helps you out, Marie!

  13. 13 On April 9th, 2007, linda said:

    help, My mother lost her little book, I need to find another one,

  14. 14 On April 19th, 2007, sxmfan said:

    I was so psyched to find the copy of this cake book. I was just asking my MIL if she had seen this before (she’s 70). My daughter wanted a butterfly cake for her birthday and I knew exactly what I wanted to make her….except mine was pink colored coconut when I was 8! Love it!
    Love your website. Reminds me of the book I found once called “Do you Remember?”. Google it…it’s on amazon. It’s a great coffee table book of old toys, etc. Very funny. By the way…where is that book…

  15. 15 On April 20th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Glad you like the site, and glad you found the booklet! Thanks for the tip on that book, I’ll keep an eye out for it.

  16. 16 On April 22nd, 2007, Karen said:

    I loved the photos from the 1959 Bakers Coconut Cutup book, would you be willing to do the same with your 1973 book as well? I am looking for the lion in that I think is in that particular book. My mother had both books at one point and can’t find either.
    Thank you,

  17. 17 On April 24th, 2007, Michele said:

    I’ve been looking for these cakes forever and just yesterday found a women who has the booklet! She also gave me a web site and well, here we are. I’d love to have the booklet as my Grandma made Ella Elephant for me years ago. So glad to see there are others who have enjoyed these cakes and have such found memories!

  18. 18 On April 30th, 2007, Mary Conway said:

    I too lost my book from 1959 and tried a few years ago on the internet
    to find another copy. Since then I found someone who had a copy and
    I was fortunate to be able to scan it. I made many of the cakes and
    donated them to school and church raffles, they were always a big hit.l
    Tomorrrow is one of my children’s birthday and I am making either the
    fish or lion as I had done many, many years ago. My daughter had a
    Better Homes & Garden Junior Cookbook with a beautiful castle cake in
    it which I also made for one of my children. During one of our many
    moves it too was lost. I sure would like to find a copy of that so I
    could make it for one of my grandchildren.

  19. 19 On May 6th, 2007, Barbara said:

    This is absolutely amazing and had to write, something I never do! Parents just celebrated their 50th and each child had to talk about a fond memory. My twin sister, we just turned forty 1 week ago talked about how she loved her
    Lion cake growing up. My mom is having lunch with her this week and was I suggested to her
    to make it. So hence went searching and found this site. Have the newer book in Candada from the
    1990′s but it nowhere near as nice as the original and we are all trying to find out who
    has the original.

  20. 20 On June 6th, 2007, Marcia Ferguson said:

    Is it possible to buy the Baker’s coconut cut-up cake book?

  21. 21 On June 7th, 2007, LInda Hugulet said:

    Is it possible to buy this book or at least get a copy? I had one when my children were little and can’t find it. Now I have a granddaughter and would like to make cakes for her so I hope this a possibility. Thank you so much for your prompt response. Linda

  22. 22 On July 5th, 2007, Julie Davison said:

    I too am looking to buy this book or get a copy. My Granddaughter is turning 2 and I would love to make the butterfly cake for her. My mom make one when I was little and I will never forget the work she put into that cake. Memories aren’t they wonderful? If anyone knows how to get a copy let me know.

  23. 23 On July 7th, 2007, Susan Owen said:

    Thank you so much for posting these pages! I’ve been searching for this booklet for the last 20 years. My family has many fond memories of past birthdays, and all the excitement surrounding which birthday cake we’d choose from the booklet. Those memories will last a lifetime, and seeing these pages again has flooded me with happiness.

  24. 24 On July 29th, 2007, Jan said:

    WOW what a blast going down memory lane. When I first married, my aunt gave me this book. I made the Easter duck every year. Made most of the animals for my kids. Now I think I will bake some for my granddaughter. Thanks for sharing, I truly appreciate it.

  25. 25 On August 5th, 2007, Jill Mullally said:

    Hey, I have been trying to find a special cake to make for my grandson’s first B-day.I am definitely checking out your site for a good idea. My sisters and I grew up making those cut-up cakes. I would love to get copies of 1959 book. Know where I could find it? It would be great presents for my sisters for Christmas.

  26. 26 On August 5th, 2007, Deb Bradford said:

    I too am searching for a copy of this book…was so glad to find your website.
    (My Mom lost hers as well) Check onE-Bay, sometimes one of these will come up
    for auction. There are similiar booklets from the 1960s, one has bunny on cover;
    but the 1959 booklet,(w/ Lion on cover)always recives the highest bids. I’ve seen
    it go for as much as $70….no kidding! I guess we all have fond memories of those
    simpler times & nostalgia always sells.

    P.S. If you can find a listing (on E-Bay) that has miscellaneous cook books
    combined for one auction, sometimes it has the 1959 Baker’s Coconut in it…good luck!

  27. 27 On August 5th, 2007, Deb Bradford said:

    Hey Guys,
    I just found another link that has additional cut up cakes posted. I’ve pasted it below.
    Thanks http://www.recipelink.com/msgid/0217187

  28. 28 On September 13th, 2007, Kathleen Talley said:

    Hi There
    I too had a copy of this book when I was 10. I have been a baker for Safeway for 33 years and longed to have that book again. Glad to find your web page. I spend a week every October teaching cake decorating in a opahanage in Mexico. Will have fun this year showing the ladies how to make cut up cakes with just a few simple pans
    Thanks for putting this on the web.

  29. 29 On September 20th, 2007, ROSEMARIE VASSALLO said:


  30. 30 On September 21st, 2007, Beth Crawford said:

    Hi – I have a paper “recipe” for a daisy cut up cake from Baker’s Coconut. Something that my mom kept from the package from the 1970′s.
    I make it 4 years ago for a birthday and want to do it again TONIGHT.
    Here’s my problem, it only says to use your “favorite fluffy frosting.”
    I cannot remember what I did 4 years ago.

    Does anyone know if Baker’s gave a recipe for the frosting, or what does everyone else do?
    There is a “cooked” frosting in my OLD Betty Crocker cookbook.

    Please help ASAP!!! Party is tomorrow!!

  31. 31 On September 30th, 2007, pauline forde said:

    had the same bakers cook book for years then we had a flood and lost it would love get get bakd a copy or a photo copy of same . Are there any other cut ou books on the marketi dont mind paying for same thanks

  32. 32 On October 3rd, 2007, Ann said:

    Does anyone have a cut-up cake pattern for a baby shower? Thanks!

  33. 33 On November 4th, 2007, Fran Lewis said:

    Loaned my book to someone and they lost it! Mine was the 70′s addition. Anyone have a copy of the witch cake? This was my girls favorite and I would love to have a copy of this cake. Thanks from a grateful grandmother.

  34. 34 On November 7th, 2007, Robyn said:

    I am looking for the directions for the mickey and mini mouse cut up cake. I want to make one for my grand daughters 2nd birthday this weekend. I lost my book and would appreicate it if any one could tell me where I could find another one.
    Thanks so much.

  35. 35 On November 18th, 2007, thegirlwhopaintedtrees said:

    Thanks! I had these cakes growing up, but my mom couldn’t find her cookbook. I just had a little girl and I want her to grow up with these cakes too. Thank goodness I found you! Well, I guess I can also thank google image search for having pictures under the heading of “easy cut-up cakes”. I had the teddy bear for my fifth birthday.

  36. 36 On November 19th, 2007, Jeanne said:

    I still have my copy of the book that was published in 1970. It’s the one with the picture of the train on the cover. I’m going to try to make color copies of it on heavy cardstock paper for my four children to have. Last night, we made Turkey Lurkey, and it came out so cute. I wasn’t aware that there was an earlier version of cut-up cakes but I would love to see it. I collect cookbooks but have always considered my cut-up cake book my very favorite.

  37. 37 On November 20th, 2007, rachel said:

    Really? Could you possibly get a copy to me? I have been looking to find turkey lurkey for a Thanksgiving cake contest!

  38. 38 On November 24th, 2007, Joan Garland said:

    I so enjoyed your pictures of all those cut up cakes. Thank You for sharing. I got this book
    when I was 12 years old. Prior to it, I believe it was in 1956, I got another one with a rabbits
    head on it,titled “Cut Up Cakes.” Then I sent for the next one in 1968, titled “Baker’s Coconut & Chocolate Party
    Cut Up Cakes.” Then, in 1970, I got one with a “Train” on the front of it. I used them for all of my children
    and Grandchildren. So fun. Then, I gave them to my daughter and have decided that I would like to purchase the
    1956 Cut Up Cakes and the 1959 Animal Cut Up Cakes, again. Do you know of any place where I might find them for sale?
    Funny to think at the ripe old age of 9 years old, I started my collection!

  39. 39 On December 1st, 2007, Jere said:


  40. 40 On December 12th, 2007, Diane Alfano said:

    I have both the 1959 “Animal Cut-Up Cakes” and 1970 (can’t find a date on it) “Cut-Up Cake Party Book” editions of the Baker’s Coconut books. I inherited the 1959 edition from my mom. I was 8 1/2 in 1957 when my little sister was born, was quite the little baker, so made one of the cakes from the 1959 edition for her birthday every year and others for different occasions (Spot the Fox Terrier since we had one – Suzie). My daughter was born on Christmas Eve in 1974, so I continued to make her the cut-up cakes after purchasing the 1970 edition. I’ve made all 16 from the 1959 edition and most of the 26 from the 1970 edition. She called yesterday wanting to make one for her neighbor girl, turning 3, which led me to googling the books and to this site. What fun to read about everyone else’s memories! I am now in the process of copying both books so I can send her the originals. It’s her turn to enjoy them!

  41. 41 On December 14th, 2007, Becky Selby said:

    How wonderful to be able to find this on your web sight Thank You for making it available. Wonderful memories that went along with these cakes.
    Thank You
    Becky Selby

  42. 42 On December 21st, 2007, Colleen said:

    Where can I get a book of the different cutouts? We used the designs years ago and now would like them for my grandchildren.

  43. 43 On February 4th, 2008, Decorating Easy Cake said:

    Birthday Cake Decorating Ideas – Go Chocolate!…

    Tired of giving your children that plain old chocolate cake? Try something new, try some new birthday cake decorating ideas. It would not only help look like something new, but also it would make the process of baking something to look forward to. Thus…

  44. 44 On March 15th, 2008, Carol Starrett said:

    My Mom used to make a EasterBunny Cut-up cake that she got from Bakers Coconut about 30 years ago. It is different form the shown on this web site, it is not a full body rabbit but a hump body cut up cake, you take a round cake cut it in half put the two halves together to make the body then you cut wedges from that to mmke the head and tail. I would love to be ble to find the directions to this cake, my Mom is no longer with me and this is a memory of our Easters together that I would like to continue by making ths cake again. Can you help me?

  45. 45 On July 31st, 2008, Lenita Suiter said:

    My mom use to make me these cut-up cakes for my birthdays, I loved them, when I was in high school, she gave me her two bakers cut-up cakes books. My friend and I made and sold the cakes to earn money for a week long field trip our shool did each year. I lost the books, and have been heart broken every since. I have tried to find copies of both books, but have not been able to find them. I know have grandsons that I would love to make cakes for.

  46. 46 On August 1st, 2008, cut up cake patterns said:

    [...] [...]

  47. 47 On August 16th, 2008, Sarah Jordheim said:

    I am in the process of making a family cookbook to honor our parents who lived on a farm in North Dakota. My sisters and I have fond memories of cut-up cakes mom used to make us, and would love to get access to the Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up book…have any ideas for us?? Thank you.

  48. 48 On August 23rd, 2008, Julie said:

    I too was so sick when I lost my Bakers Cut-Up Cakes booklet form the 1950′s. My Mom always made me a witch cake for my Halloween birthday party. I loved all of these cakes…and was so fortunate to find a new book of the cake recipes at Amazon. Here is the link that will take you directly to what they have available:

    Cut-Up Cake Books at Amazon.com

    Enjoy! Julie

  49. 49 On October 7th, 2008, Christa said:

    We had this booklet as a kid. I’ve been trying to find a copy for sometime now. do you have all the cut outs in the booklet?

  50. 50 On October 8th, 2008, Gerry said:

    I had all of these books for my children. I also believe that I made them all. My son is a Leo, and I made him the Lion on his birthday. He was so proud of that cake. My mother in-law had never had a special cake made for her, and I made her the beautiful Butterfly. I have pictures of her, and my children with the cakes I made over the years. On Easter I would always make the Bunny Cake. I would love to have a copy of this book – as mine has disappeared. I probably loaned it to someone and never got it back. Thanks for the wonderful memories.

  51. 51 On October 9th, 2008, Karen said:

    OMG I remember my mother making the giaffe cake for my sister and me. We cried when she cut it. Thank you for scanning your copy I can now make them for my grandsons

  52. 52 On November 2nd, 2008, Elizabeth T said:

    Thank you so much for doing this. Our family story is nearly identical except I am the Mom in the story, and my daughter and I are reproducting our one loan copy for the 3rd generation.

  53. 53 On January 3rd, 2009, Jennifer said:

    I also remember my mom making the cakes from this book. Since she has passed way, I made sure I got the copy of her book, so one day I could make the cakes for my kids. The one I remember my mom making was the mouse cakes and we made them look more like Mickey & Minnie Mouse, even using black icing for the head.

  54. 54 On January 22nd, 2009, Thelma Sloan said:

    I have the Cut-Up Cookbook and want to share it with other people. I used my copy so much it has fallen apart and I keep it in a protective plastic page. We have loved and used it for about 25 years. Is the Cut-Up Cookbook available for sale?

  55. 55 On January 22nd, 2009, Thelma Sloan said:

    I have the Cut-Up Cookbook and want to share it with other people. I used my copy so much it has fallen apart and I keep it in a protective plastic page. We have loved and used it for about 25 years. Is the Cut-Up Cookbook available for sale?

  56. 56 On January 22nd, 2009, Thelma Sloan said:

    I have the Cut-Up Cookbook and want to share it with other people. I used my copy so much it has fallen apart and I keep it in a protective plastic page. We have loved and used it for about 25 years. Is the Cut-Up Cookbook available for sale?

  57. 57 On February 25th, 2009, Janice Causley said:

    Thank you so much. My mom had that book from when her mother made her those cakes. she use to make my sister and i those cakes for our birthday. they were handed down to me but they somehow got lost. i am so glad that you had this posted here. i have been pulling out my hair trying to find those recipes. my son’s bday is in a month. i am so happy thank you very very much for sharing.

  58. 58 On March 13th, 2009, Deb B. said:

    Several here are interested in finding the 1959 Cut Up Cakes booklet… After asking my mom for her’s (apparently lost in a move)

    I searched on E-Bay and found a one in mint condition. I paid less than $10. for mine, but you have to pick and choose the auctions…apparently, everyone that remembers this cookbook wants one! Often, there will be so many bidding that the price will climb astronomically. More than one auction I “watched” ended at over $50!!!

    There is another similiar “cut up cakes” booklet, which has a white bunny cake on front… I’ve seen it on E-Bay as well. Good luck!

    Deb B.

  59. 59 On April 3rd, 2009, Sue L said:

    I was so happy to find the coconut cutup cakes. I remember my mom made me the butterfly cake for my 8th birthday, I can still see me and all my friends standing around the table singing Happy Birthday to me. It was the best birthday I ever had. I would really like to know were I can get one. The book my mom had has be lost for years.

  60. 60 On April 10th, 2009, Tami said:

    There are actually two Bakers books – I have an original one my mom used when I was a kid (pages are falling out of it) and another one I purchased from EBay. I think it was about $30.00. I would love to find the second one. Mine has the brown and white snoopy dog on the front.
    Good luck moms – kraft.com also has their own version of these cakes

  61. 61 On May 3rd, 2009, Jennifer said:

    My mom has the 1970′s version of the cut up cakes. She used to let us pick out which cake we wanted for our birthday. I know she made several of them if not all of them over the years. I always wanted the dog cake and never got. My birthday is comming up soon and I told her that it would be fun to get the dog cake that I always wanted. She said she could not find her cake book so thank you for posting some of the cakes on your site.

  62. 62 On August 1st, 2009, Pat McGrath said:

    Oh thank you, Humuhumu! I’d had a rapidly-disintegrating photocopy (carefully hand-colored) of this booklet for years, one which I too remember fondly from childhood birthday parties. I’d scanned it years ago, and then somehow lost the original. Then my hard-drive with the scans melted down and I CRIED! I was so happy to find your posts here. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

  63. 63 On September 3rd, 2009, Donna Kopach said:

    I loaned out my copy of the Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cake book and haven’t seen it since. Does anyone know where I might get another? I made many of the cakes for my children and would like to do the same for my grandson.

  64. 64 On September 6th, 2009, Jan said:

    Thanks for a great trip down memory lane! My Aunt gave me this booklet when I first got married in 1972. I made all of the cakes in there. Now I can share this baking with my 7 yr old Granddaughter. I hope Baker’s realizes how much coconut they sold because of this book. They should publish a new one now! I TRULY enjoyed seeing these great cakes once again!

  65. 65 On September 20th, 2009, Catherine Dudich said:

    When my mother passed away 3 years ago I was looking through her cookbooks and all I wanted was this little booklet of cut up cakes. It is very sad that I have so little happy childhood memories, my mother every birthday would let us kids pick a cake and I or my brothers or sisters who evers birthday it was helped make and decorate it. I loved my mother so much, she was married to my alcoholic abusive father,and tried to make us kids happy she did her best with what little she had that was all she could have done in those days, but this little booklet was never found, till now thank you I am going to share it with my grandchildren, just to let you know I am writting this through tears in my eyes. Thank you so much Catherine

  66. 66 On October 9th, 2009, Kenda said:

    My mother in law gave me her Baker’s Cut-up Book from the 70′s. Today is my birthday, although it’s not an animal I made the hot-air balloon since we just went to a festival awhile back. Hope this picture link works http://twitpic.com/kxgx1

    I also was inspired to make my own cut-up cakes for my son’s first birthday, a palm tree and a pineapple for a luau themed party. http://twitpic.com/kxiau & http://twitpic.com/kxiha

  67. 67 On October 13th, 2009, Roxanne said:

    Wow, THANK YOU for scanning all of those pages – I have been looking for this book! My cousins and I had one of these cakes every birthday. They were the biggest treat. So glad to have found the instructions so that I can make them for my own kids.

  68. 68 On October 14th, 2009, Linda Boyle said:

    Anyone have the witch cut up cake instructions? Thanks!

  69. 69 On November 1st, 2009, Mary Mechler said:

    Hi !

    I helped a friend decorate a cake for Halloween from the cut up book. It got me interested in finding a copy, mine is long gone, thanks to moving 6 times!

    Would you be interested in selling your?



  70. 70 On November 1st, 2009, Mary Mechler said:

    Hi !

    I helped a friend decorate a cake for Halloween from the cut up book. It got me interested in finding a copy, mine is long gone, thanks to moving 6 times!

    Would you be interested in selling your?



  71. 71 On November 6th, 2009, Cindy said:

    Thank you so much for sharing this – I’ve been looking for years for a copy. I loaned my out and never got it back. My son was 18 before he ever got a bakery cake, I think I’ve made almost all of these. The reindeer will definately be made this Christmas. God bless you!

  72. 72 On January 2nd, 2010, MICHELE MILLER said:


  73. 73 On January 3rd, 2010, CathyDee said:

    has anyone ever made a cake to look like a lacrosse stick?

  74. 74 On January 3rd, 2010, CathyDee said:

    I saw a used copy of this book on a site and the cost was around $38 — that’s how hard the original, which I have in tatters, is to get.

  75. 75 On January 10th, 2010, Bee said:

    I know that there was talk, much earlier, about another Cut-Up cake book, put out by Baker’s. There is, and it pre-dates the one that was scanned by 3 years: it came out in 1956 vs 1959. I don’t know if images show up in the comment or not but here’s the link to the cover: http://www.oldcookbooks.com/product/413060 and it currently sells for $46.50!

  76. 76 On February 1st, 2010, janell said:

    Sorry i hit the wrong button n sent before i was done.New at compters.Anyway we couldnt find the 1959cut up book i would love to have a copy so i could make the turtle and elephant and lets not forget the swan.I love the swan.the fox terrier dog would be nice.So if u could possiable help me that would be GREAT.thank u so much janell

  77. 77 On February 14th, 2010, Lara said:

    So happy to have found your site and the pages of the cut-up cakes book. I too grew up with these cakes and no longer have the book available to me. These cakes were the jumping point for my career as a Food Studies instructor. Thank you for sharing your copy!

  78. 78 On February 20th, 2010, Don said:

    thanx for posting this I grew up with this book

  79. 79 On February 20th, 2010, Don said:

    hmmmmm wonder if I could find a copey of it. my mom foto copied it for me b ut would love a color copy of my own

  80. 80 On February 21st, 2010, Lilia said:

    hello everyone i was just looking at the this booklet and boy let me tell you i wish i could get my hands on a booklet i started to bake and i am very interested in shape cake and this would definatley do. any suggestion were i can find one.

  81. 81 On February 22nd, 2010, Susan said:

    Thanks for sharing! Mom used to make us birthday cakes from this book in the 1960s. Luckily I ended up with her copy and several articles on cut-up cakes that Mom must have gotten from old magazines. Lost my Mom a year ago this weekend, so seeing this has brought back a flood of great memories.

  82. 82 On February 24th, 2010, joan said:

    Amazon.com cutout cakes

  83. 83 On March 2nd, 2010, Mary Z said:

    These are fantastic…I had the one put out in the 70′s I wish someone could post some of those please…I enjoyed all your comments. I will be scanning another kind of cut up cake book and share with all.

  84. 84 On March 9th, 2010, Cherie W said:

    Thank you for sharing these recipes and photos. The book my mother had for years and years has been misplaced. She made these cakes for my daughter for her first 5 or 6 years. Another website wants $48.50 to purchase this book and it’s missing it’s cover. It is VERY nice of you to share free of charge.

  85. 85 On March 13th, 2010, Linda said:

    You made my day! My mother LIVED by this booklet while we were growing up. Money was so tight and it was her claim to fame, that she could always present these lovely desserts for (now I know) little cost. I made them faithfully throughout the ’70s and early ’80s for my own small ones. With money being tight again, it’s time to bring back this fun art. Thank you so much for your effort in this!

  86. 86 On March 23rd, 2010, Lynn said:

    I had this book when it first came out. My mother and I made Fanny the Fish for my father’s birthday, it was the first one we made. My aunt made the Bunny every easter when I was a child. Over the years I think I made almost every one of the cakes in the book. I had to sell my house about 12 years ago and didn’t have room to store much. I gave my cookbooks to my daughters but they can’t find the cut up cake book. I am so happy to find it on you web site. Thanks for much for taking the time to put it on the web.

  87. 87 On March 29th, 2010, Susanna G said:

    Here’s a page I found of a Bunny Cut -up cake…

  88. 88 On April 3rd, 2010, Lori Dand said:

    Hello iam so happy i came to this site it bring back memories of when my mom made these cakes. My mom lost the book from bakers coconut cakes years ago and i was wondering if we could still get one. I know she would be thrilled could you please let me know how to purchase a book please. Thank you.

  89. 89 On April 21st, 2010, Claire said:

    Thanks for posting this!! I too grew up with this book, sadly I lost it. I’ve been able to make Dandy Lion from memory, but I couldn’t remember how to do any of the other ones. This is a great find, thanks again for sharing!! :)

  90. 90 On May 5th, 2010, Shayna said:

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I, too, loved my grandmother’s Cut-Up cake book, and unfortunately destroyed it in childhood. My mother DID make me the hobby horse cake prior, though! You are wonderful to post this, especially since I can’t find one of these books for purchase for under 40.00, and need to make Jerry the Giraffe in July! Thanks again, God Bless!

  91. 91 On May 14th, 2010, Camille said:

    I remember my mom used this book every year and let us pick out which one we wanted…I had them all!

  92. 92 On May 14th, 2010, Camille said:

    I remember my mom used this book every year.Thanks for thepost.

  93. 93 On May 18th, 2010, Sharon - Lee said:

    I would love to have a copy of this book!! I grew up with it and love the cakes!!

  94. 94 On May 24th, 2010, Nhyla said:

    I have this book I made every cake in it the rocking horse and the elephant were the most difficult as you had all raw edges to work with

  95. 95 On June 5th, 2010, Shari said:

    my mom gave me her copy of this book when I started having children.
    Now, I have just been asked to make first birthday cakes for our trilet grandsons. Guess what booklet grandma pulled out?!?!!?!

  96. 96 On June 5th, 2010, Shari said:

    oops!!! That SHOULD say TRIPLET, not trilet

  97. 97 On June 21st, 2010, lois kleinman said:

    I used to make these cakes for all the children in my family and
    would so love to have the booklet for the second generation.
    How do I get it?


  98. 98 On July 10th, 2010, Sara said:

    Hi, it was my 45th birthday and I wanted to make the Hobby Horse cake for the party. When I was a little girl my aunt would make different shaped cakes for all of the kids birthdays. I would love to get a copy of this the booklet. It brings back great memories. I did make the horse cake and everybody thought I got it from a fancy bakery. Lots of fun. I really would like to get this book and the others that went with a set. Can you help me?

    Thank you,

  99. 99 On August 2nd, 2010, Sonia said:

    Does anyone on this site know how to coat coconut for the chocolate teddy bear? I too have lost my book and used it all through the 60′s and 70′s

  100. 100 On August 23rd, 2010, Amy said:

    Thanks so much for posting these great photos! Do you happen to have the umbrella cake from Baker’s book? My twins turn one this weekend and I would love to make them the same cake I had every birthday as a child.

  101. 101 On October 7th, 2010, steve scanapico said:

    Hi I have this one plus two others bakers company published. I have one from 1956,1967 similar cutouts but some new ones. Like everyone else born in 1960 these were the only cakes my Mom made for our b-days. I will pass these on to my girls I hope they get the enjoyment my mom did. The good old days!

  102. 102 On December 12th, 2010, Bonnie Rauch said:

    I made most of these cut up cakes when my children were growing up in 1950′s through 1970′s. I have another Baker’s Coconut cut-up cake book that is by the month, but I have lost the cover to it. Would like to know the date it was put out.
    Thanks, Bonnie Rauch

  103. 103 On December 12th, 2010, Bonnie Rauch said:

    I also have another Baker’s Coconut cut-up cake book that the cover is missing. Was wondering if you could send me the date of it or something about it. It has twelve cup-up cakes one for each month; Jan. snowman,Feb. heart, March, clown, April, bunny, May, May Pole, June, D A D cake, July, American eagle & so on.
    Thanks, Bonnie Rauch

  104. 104 On December 14th, 2010, Sharon Weiser said:

    I am also looking for the Baker’s cup-up cake book with cakes by the month. I made a cake for my “little” brother’s 5th birthday in January (the snowman) from my mother’s book so long ago and now I want to make that same cake for his 60th birthday this January. Anyone have that page to scan?

  105. 105 On May 25th, 2011, Diane Capel said:

    I really would like to find someone with the cake booklet. my grandaughter is having a circus party at the end of june and I would like to make her some animal cakes. Thanks

  106. 106 On June 2nd, 2011, fogotmypword said:

    This booklet as old as me and I have it. (It was my Mom’s). I don’t remember her making cakes from it, but I remember pouring over it regularly and dreaming of them. I’m baking a cake to become the fish as we speak.

    There’s only two circus animals .. the lion on the cover and an elephant. There’s also a giraffe, but I don’t know if that qualifies.

    I think my mother-in-law had (has?) a different one. She makes the big easter bunny face cake that she claims came from that book.

    In any case, the whole book is reproduced here: http://www.artbaxter.com/esoterica-pages/bakers_coconut-index.html, so you can find the cutout patterns.

  107. 107 On July 17th, 2011, Coconut cut cakes | Michelvainfilm said:

    [...] Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cakes » Junkyard ClubhouseMar 10, 2007 … My sisters and I have fond memories of cut-up cakes mom used to make us, and would love to get access to the Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up … [...]

  108. 108 On July 31st, 2011, Fauneil Purcell said:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for scanning that whole book!! My daughter has lost the copy that my mother-in-law gave me and I LOVE the Seven-minute frosting/Sea Foam frosting recipes. You’re a life saver. Thanks again.

  109. 109 On August 29th, 2011, Debbie said:

    This book brings back memories of my childhood. Back when playing outside all day was the norm. Back before the days of mega-birthday parties for children. Back when mommies stayed at home and baked and cooked from scratch.

    Now, I have a granddaughter and I think that one of these cakes would be perfect for her birthday!

    Thank you!!

  110. 110 On October 19th, 2011, PattiP said:

    I have both of the Baker’s Cut Up Cakes booklets. The first one is copyrighted 1956 and features a different cake for each month of the year! The witch for October is especially endearing. When I was young, my mother made a cut up cake for just about every birthday for my brothes, sisters and I! I am so pleased to have both booklets now!

  111. 111 On October 20th, 2011, Candy Borgos said:

    When I was younger, my Mom had two different cake decorating books from Bakers Coconut. On e was the one we see here. The other one had a cake for every month of the year. I’d like to try to get a hold of copies of each of them. If you could give me an idea where to look I’d appreciate it. thanks. Candy B.

  112. 112 On December 17th, 2011, Sharon DuCommun said:

    How do I get these Cut Up Cake books? I used to have one and when I divorced, it got “lost”. Thank you for your help.
    Sharon DuCommun

  113. 113 On April 8th, 2012, Rose said:

    I was so surprised to see this book again!. I loaned mine to someone and never got it back. I loved making the cakes for my children and now they want me to make them for their children. Can I get a copy of this book somewhere?
    Thank you
    Rose R.

  114. 114 On April 12th, 2012, Billie Cortez said:

    This was the best animal cakes EVER! How can I get a copy of this book.

  115. 115 On June 28th, 2012, Helen Murray said:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I lost my book and my 44 yr old daughter loved the lion, so for her 45th I am going to surprise her with this cake. Thank you, thank you.

  116. 116 On August 4th, 2012, Madonna Weger said:

    Is there anywhere to obtain a copy of this book? I too grew up with it, and is long gone as is my mother, have looked for it many years, so excited to find it on the internet.

  117. 117 On August 20th, 2012, Tammi Meyer said:

    Can you e-mail me a copy of the Animal cut up cats..or send me a coy of the entire book. I would be gald to pay you for your time and materials. Thank you for posting this…I had several of these cakes when I was a little girl. funnysideuptn@hotmail.com

  118. 118 On February 8th, 2013, Jo Regina said:

    Does anyone know where I can purchase the animal cut up cake book

  119. 119 On April 9th, 2013, Bea said:

    I would like to know where I can purchase one of the animal cut up cake books.

  120. 120 On April 29th, 2013, Leslie Yarborough said:

    My mother had this cut up cake book and we used it for years. When we moved her cook books, it was not to be found. I would like to have the old one and if a new one has been done, I would like that one also. Is it possible to purchase these?

  121. 121 On June 6th, 2013, Nancy said:

    I grew up with this book. When I had children of my own I would make cakes from this book. It is so fun. If they ever make another one I would be interested in purchasing it.

  122. 122 On August 27th, 2013, A Recipe: How to Make An Idea - Andy Eklund said:

    [...] P.S.  I used the image of the Baker’s Coconut Recipes booklet because I have lots of memories of my mom making them for me and my siblings.  I suddenly had lots of people send me notes remember them as fondly as I did.  If you remember them too, you’ll want to visit Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cakes. [...]