5th February 2009

The Big Race Commercial

Despite hating the actual Hummer H2 that this advertises, I really, truly love this commercial and think it’s a great piece of storytelling. It kind of has that Wes Anderson/Rushmore feel to it.

The fact that it uses The Who’s “Happy Jack” is gravy.

BTW, in the post-show for Test Track at EPCOT park at Walt Disney World, the car from this commerical is on display, and a video showing the making of this commercial is also playing.

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8th January 2009

Disaster in Little-land

So sad.

Tragedy in Tinyland

[via Reddit]

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31st October 2008

Halloween LEGO

Today Megan got me these amazing graveyard LEGO kits. The attention to detail and theming is incredible. These are official LEGO parts, and official LEGO kits, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it! I love the LEGO ghost, skeleton, and creepy crawlies. Have a great HALLOWEEN everybody!

Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO
Halloween LEGO

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15th October 2008

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy Comic

To tell you the truth, I’m a huge fan of awkwardly sincere music and artwork, especially when it’s bad. I lit up when I came across Cartoon Brew’s discovery of Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy. Man, even the name is klunky.

Most of strips have a gag in them that almost always fails to deliver, like these:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy
Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

While others just kinda play out incoherently:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy
Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

But my favorite moments in these strips are when the author clearly just gives up. In this strip, you can see the author clearly thought he had something with “snow bank”, but makes Chumpy mirror the author’s own ineptitude by simply declaring “I don’t understand it but …”

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

And nothing screams “I don’t want to put any effort into my gag” than a word balloon full of “blah blah blah”s:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

Still, there’s something about this strip that just makes me smile when I read them. It kinda reminds me of my own short-lived comic strip, Nuknuk and Piney.

Check out the rest of the scans on Cartoon Brew.

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24th April 2008

Vintage Atari Games

Oh, how these vintage Atari games bring back memories. Fuzzy memories. Kinda. Well, maybe.

Vintage Atari Games
Vintage Atari Games

[via Shawne]

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5th April 2008

Grandma Zelda’s Advice

I’m so glad I never asked my Grandma for advice, but I’m glad this guy did.

[Via Shawne]

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16th January 2008

Pie Face

Just when I thought I had come up with the most cleverest game ever … I discover Pie Face. Click, click click … whoops! It’s PIE FACE! Everything I thought I knew about everything is now wrong.

Pie Face Game

I shudder to think about being strapped into that creepy headlock thing while playing a game of dairy Russian Roulette. I bet there’s laws against games like this nowadays.

[Via Booberry Alarmclock]

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4th November 2007

Gold Paint Huffer Halloween Costume

Gold Paint Huffer Halloween original

I had a last-second idea for a super-quick Halloween costume: the Gold Paint Huffer guy. For those not in the know, the Gold Paint Huffer guy is an minor Internet Celebrity made famous by his unfortunate mug shot (image on the left). He’s seen staring blankly into the camera in a way that only a true huffer can, his face covered in gold paint, and wearing a creepy scowl reminiscent of an angry stroke victim. The photo is both tragic yet hysterical.

The costume idea popped into my head literally right as I walked by a party store Halloween Headquarters on the day of. Five minutes later and two bucks poorer I was the proud new owner of a do-it-yourself Gold Paint Huffer kit: a tube of gold facepaint. However, later that night I realized my friend Chad Spacey was a much better fit for the look, and he was really into it. At the end of the evening we busted out the camera for an impromptu photo shoot:

Gold Paint Huffer Halloween Costume

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19th June 2007

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

from Wikipedia:

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo,” is a grammatically correct sentence used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated constructs.

It means:

Bison from upstate New York who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community.

[via Digg]

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13th June 2007

Mona Said, I Wanna Leave Bennigan’s

Pearl Jam’s “Yellow Ledbetter” lyrics, revealed at last. Potato wave, my friends…

Make me fries.

[via Dlisted]

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