15th October 2008

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy Comic

To tell you the truth, I’m a huge fan of awkwardly sincere music and artwork, especially when it’s bad. I lit up when I came across Cartoon Brew’s discovery of Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy. Man, even the name is klunky.

Most of strips have a gag in them that almost always fails to deliver, like these:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy
Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

While others just kinda play out incoherently:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy
Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

But my favorite moments in these strips are when the author clearly just gives up. In this strip, you can see the author clearly thought he had something with “snow bank”, but makes Chumpy mirror the author’s own ineptitude by simply declaring “I don’t understand it but …”

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

And nothing screams “I don’t want to put any effort into my gag” than a word balloon full of “blah blah blah”s:

Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy

Still, there’s something about this strip that just makes me smile when I read them. It kinda reminds me of my own short-lived comic strip, Nuknuk and Piney.

Check out the rest of the scans on Cartoon Brew.

There is currently one response to “Uncle Funny Bunny and Chumpy Comic”

  1. 1 On February 8th, 2012, William A. McNeil said:

    Back in the 1967-68 school year, when I was in third grade, I remember this cartoon appearing in an educational circular the teacher would pass out each week or so and go over with the class.
    The character appearing in your clips here, with the glasses and bow tie, was there…but the only other character that appeared with him was a large but juvenile hippopotamus wearing overalls. In the final frame when a punchline was delivered one of the buttons fastening the shoulder straps of his overalls would pop.
    Does this character ring a bell in regards to this strip?