5th March 2007

Say You, Say Me, Say Velvet

Lionel Richie rendered in lush velvet, from Walsh on Flickr
Lionel Richie rendered in lush velvet,
from Walsh on Flickr

I want to share something beautiful with you. I want to share Lionel Richie, in black velvet.

A friend of mine has one of those wonderful homes where it takes you two hours to even notice the plastic Jesus with a cat’s head, because there is just so. much. weird.stuff. She has it all very tastefully displayed, though, right down to the neatly organized wall of Marwal heads.

But her bathroom is where it really all comes together. Lionel Richie is there right over the throne, rendered in lush velvet, casting a loving and watchful eye as you go about your business. From the other side of the room, a red velvet-flocked mini-bust of Mao Tse Tung glowers at the two of you. He’s clearly jealous that Lionel Richie got top billing.

The velvet Lionel Richie masterpiece pictured here isn’t hers, but is one I found on Flickr, posted by Walsh. Small world — in his comment on this picture, he links to an article that makes reference to there being a cache somewhere of Velvet Lionels, and the article appears to have been written by a friend of mine. Lionel, you work in such mysterious ways!

There are currently 4 responses to “Say You, Say Me, Say Velvet”

  1. 1 On March 5th, 2007, BenZart said:

    Just a note to say Happy Anniversary to you and Hanford And Congrats on the new kitchen sink web site. cool idea I love it.

  2. 2 On March 5th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Thanks, Ben! We’re having a lot of fun with it.

  3. 3 On March 5th, 2007, MrBaliHai said:

    That sounds fabulous, but ikitnrev’s bathroom has her’s beat; it’s totally covered, wall-to-wall, with portraits of Jesus, many of them 3-D.

  4. 4 On March 5th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Ah, Lenticular Jesus trumps Velvet Lionel every time.

    And it all comes back around again… the fellow I know who wrote that article, Howard Hallis, makes his own lenticulars. Here’s his Miami Vice’s Tubbs as Christ lenticular. If only someone would make a Lionel Richie as Christ lenticular, set into a tropical velvet scene!

    I was hoping you’d find us, Mr. Bali Hai. So glad you’re here!