8th March 2007

Lustlab Ads by Ellen Forney

Lustlab ad, by Ellen Forney
Lustlab ad, by Ellen Forney

Lustlab is the kinky personals section for Seattle’s alternative weekly, The Stranger. Ellen Forney is a primo Seattle-based comic & illustration artist, who’s been a fixture on The Stranger’s pages for many years now.

Each week, Ellen takes one of the actual ads running in Lustlab, and turns it into a single-panel comic. She gets really inventive with it — an ad looking for a spanking is in the shape of a handprint, an ad talking about a rather delicate piercing is depicted graphically using the words of the text, and this ad takes the “daddy” and “third wheel” refrerence where it logically needs to go: Ed “Big Daddy” Roth territory. You can see all of Ellen’s Lustlab ads here. Borderline NSFW (more for the text than the images). There’s also a book of her Lustlab ads planned for 2008 by Fantagraphics. [via Robot Action Boy]

[UPDATE: Since this got picked up by BoingBoing, Ellen Forney's web server has seized up; a kind soul has uploaded her Lustlab ads onto Flickr. Besure to check them out on her website once it's back up again, though, because she shares a lot of insight into how she created each ad.]

There are currently 2 responses to “Lustlab Ads by Ellen Forney”

  1. 1 On March 8th, 2007, ED said:

    Hmmm … Ellen Forney’s site seems to have gone down.
    I wonder if the fact that this appeared on boing boing led a surge of rubber-netters over to Ellen’s blog, causing the crash?

  2. 2 On August 1st, 2013, Lustlab - Forbidden Planet Blog said:

    [...] According to the BB piece Fantagraphics may be bringing out a collection of them next year. Humuhumu at the Junkyard Clubhouse who tipped BB off to it picked out this little gem (after much difficulty [...]