11th March 2007

La Petite Parade

Ze King! Ze Premier! Then all the ministers!
Army! Navy! Department Sanitaire! …

This Harveytoon cartoon isn’t really outstanding in any particular way, but it’s one I remembered as a kid I’ve wanted to see again for probably the last 20 years. I’ve searched for it several times before, and while it’s mentioned in several places in the web, I’ve only come across an actual video of it very recently! It’s beloved by many, but probably totally unknown to most. Here’s the description from IMDB’s entry for it, see if it shakes loose any memories:

A French shopkeeper’s life is disrupted by a daily parade. The parade consists of “ze king, ze premier, all ze lords and ministers, army, navy, department sanitaire.” When the “department sanitaire” hits a pothole, all the garbage gets dumped onto the street in front of his store.

UPDATE: According to the Classic Cartoon blog, the The Harveytoons DVD Collection features Le Petite Parade on Disc 4! Check it out on Amazon.com!

There are currently 8 responses to “La Petite Parade”

  1. 1 On May 28th, 2007, dan said:

    I am 46 years old. I remember very well seeing La Petite Parade. I looked for it for several years, but couldn’t find it or remember the title. I only remembered that little song that he sang when he went to the department offices.

    Thanks for making it available.

  2. 2 On June 21st, 2007, Jim Waugaman said:

    Thanks so much for posting this cartoon!! I’ve told friends about it for years, but
    I’ve never been able to find it and prove it exists~! Thanks!

  3. 3 On October 4th, 2007, katherine said:

    Oh my god! That song has been in my head for about 25 years! Thanks you so much for posting it! I thought I made it up! Funny, I didn’t remember anything about it except the song….

  4. 4 On January 2nd, 2009, Wrangler said:

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have been looking for this cartoon for years! (I am 47). My brother and I used to reenact this cartoon all the time as kids!

  5. 5 On February 20th, 2009, Susan Gallen said:

    Remember this well from NY TV in the early 60′s.As adults we still say “Feelthy, disgusting” Anybody remember the animated bio of a French painter , maybe Toulouse Latrec, from the same time period? Featured a carousel?

  6. 6 On March 13th, 2009, Mary said:

    Rattata-tum, Rattata-tum!!! I woke up this morning not knowing why, but once again, this song was in my head. I’ve been singing the praises of this cartoon my entire life, frequently quoting the Matchmakers reenactment hoping that someone would respond in recognition…only to be tsk, tsked…she must be crazy…
    I have wanted to see this cartoon again for 45 years.
    Thanks for the perfect 50th birthday gift!!
    Sweet Salvation!!

  7. 7 On March 2nd, 2010, Anna said:

    Gee, and I only thought people had sanitation problems like this in NJ!
    What a hoot! This cartoon was created the year that I was born and I remember how funny it was back in the 60′s. thanks for the memories!

  8. 8 On May 14th, 2012, Manny said:

    FINALLY! After so many (at least 30) years of hearing this song in my head, I finally get to see this cartoon. I have often quoted the song, or thought about it in my head, especially when I see a mess around the house! I felt like a kid again watching this video. Thank you for posting this cherished memory for all of us to enjoy again.