13th March 2007

House of the Future Construction Pics

The Monsanto House of the Future was part of Disneyland’s Tomorrowland from 1957 until 1967, and was a showcase of what plastics could do. The house was made of eight pre-fabricated plastic pieces; the building was so strong that when the time came for it to be demolished, the wrecking ball bounced right off.

Disneyland's Monsanto House of the Future, from Daveland
Disneyland’s Monsanto House of the Future, from Daveland
The House of the Future under construction
The House of the Future under construction

The Daveland blog has some great pictures from the Goody Clancy architecture firm of the house as it was being constructed. I love the above picture of the completed home — largely because it captures the pastoral feel of the landscaping, which is in such sharp contrast to the modern-as-modern-can-be home. I also love this picture to the left — this time, it’s the contrast of the traditional Sleeping Beauty’s castle in the background against the upstart little plastic building.

The Daveland blog has more pictures, be sure to check them out: Part 1 and Part 2 [via Stuff from the Park]

There are currently 2 responses to “House of the Future Construction Pics”

  1. 1 On March 13th, 2007, tiki-kate said:

    This has always been my dream house. Such a shame it was gone before I was born.
    I love how much trouble it gave the folks who tore it down.

  2. 2 On March 16th, 2007, Dave said:

    Thanks for the kind mention of my site on your blog! – Dave