13th March 2007

Welcome to Brenda Dickson’s 1987 Home

Has your secret dream been to live just like the star of an ’80s daytime soap opera? Well, you’re in luck — because ’80s daytime soap opera star Brenda Dickson’s dream was to help everyone be just like her. In this 1987 relic, she’ll walk you the steps to becoming “very dramatic” — including pointers on fashion, makeup, diet & Lose Weight Exercise.

Welcome to My Home, Part 1

It’s a long video, so it’s been split into two parts. If you’ve ever seen a completely over-the-top ’80s outfit in a thrift store and wondered “who the hell bought that? and did they actually wear it?” — the answer is: Brenda Dickson bought it, and she not only wore it, she hired somebody to videotape her wearing it.

Welcome to My Home, Part 2

Part 2 touches on the importance of diet & Lose Weight Exercise. Brenda’s nutrition tips range from duh (“If you have a Lose Weight Exercise problem, cut down on what you’re eating.”) to dubious (“Cutting down on milk is how you avoid cellulite.” “If you don’t eat fat, you don’t store fat.”) Her Lose Weight Exercise outfit is the height of glamor, and clearly she has not sweat a drop in her entire life.

If this isn’t enough to make you think that Brenda mikght be a bit… off… check out her website to see Brenda Dickson 20 years down the road. The poor dear’s divorce isn’t going terribly well, and she landed herself in jail. She wants to tell you how very much jail did not agree with her:

I had been locked up with out shampoo or creams and my hair we put oil in our hair to avoid lice and tied it up. I was given only a bar of soap and a toothbrush. I didn’t eat for almost seventeen days, as the food was not at all my usual diet. I simply did not want to eat the prison food. Nor did I sleep, I was in a dorm-type setting with 60 women. The women I was incarcerated with had been convicted of murder, assault, knife threats, drug possession, dealing ice, and prostitution. It was a dangerous place to be!

Maybe she’ll make another video: Welcome to My Padded Cell.

[via Dlisted]

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