16th March 2007

Photos of Midcentury Futurism Names


I love midcentury futurism names. I dig on the Cinerama, and I can’t get enough juice from the Juice-o-matic. I named my game studio Monolux, I named my feedback system the Suggestomatic, and I named my game’s serial number generator the Tabulatron. Not only love those names, but I love the logos, styles, and aesthetics they conjure up. So naturally I became giddytronic when I saw Thrift Store Adventure’s photo collection of midcentury names and logos! There’s the Filmosonic, the Delineascope, the Selectron Semimatic, and WTF the Superheterodyne!!!! Check them out now!

There is currently one response to “Photos of Midcentury Futurism Names”

  1. 1 On March 19th, 2007, eniksleestack said:

    Hey, thanks for the shout-out. I really love your blogs, by the way. It’s nice to see we share many interests.