20th March 2007

I Love Floratina’s Funny Face

Floratina and her Funny Face
Floratina and her Funny Face

This post at a sampler of things reminded me of this great picture I took last summer of my dear friend Floratina, and her cherished Freckle Face Strawberry Funny Face cup. We were at a beach burn down in San Pedro, and the light from the fire was so romantic… I was happy to be able to capture this love between a woman and her cup.

I don’t think I ever had Funny Face drink mixes — Dad was a Kool-Aid man, all the way. Dad always had two flavors going in the fridge at once: one jug of Mountain Berry Punch, and the other jug on rotation through the other flavors. My brother and I used to make quadruple-strength Kool-Aid (two packets, twice the sugar, half the water) and nuke it in the microwave. Yum!

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