22nd March 2007

Poop Back and Forth. Forever.

The romantic musings of a seven-year-old. [via Darth Daddy]

There are currently 6 responses to “Poop Back and Forth. Forever.”

  1. 1 On March 24th, 2007, Selector Lopaka said:

    The tears are flowing down my cheeks.

  2. 2 On March 25th, 2007, selector lopaka said:

    Scene from “Me And You And Everyone We Know”. I had yet to see this pretty amazing movie until I rented last night after a friend told me where this clip came from.

  3. 3 On March 25th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    There have been many repeat viewings of Poop Back and Forth here in the Lemoore household.

    After I found this clip, I tracked down the movie’s website and watched the trailer; it looked like a cute movie, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth seeing. You liked it? Should we rent it?

  4. 4 On March 25th, 2007, selector lopaka said:

    I say, hell yes.

  5. 5 On April 1st, 2007, Hanford said:

    By the way, this is the international symbol for pooping back and forth:


  6. 6 On May 15th, 2008, Hanford said:

    or ))~~((