6th April 2007

Bing Bong Bang, It’s Boomerang!


Just when you think that the Internet holds all the answers, it fails you. My search for information about Boomerang, a ’70s kids’ TV show from my native Seattle, has turned up nearly bupkes.

I did learn something very interesting… I had no idea that Marni, the host of Boomerang, was none other than Marni Nixon.

Nixon is the reason Julie Andrews won her Oscar for Mary Poppins. Well, that’s not fair — that was a well-earned Oscar. (Those who already know this story can skip ahead a couple of paragraphs.) Julie Andrews had starred on Broadway in the hit musical My Fair Lady, and won a Tony award. But when My Fair Lady was turned into a Hollywood film, Julie Andrews was not yet a name movie-goers would recognize, and Warner Brothers cast Audrey Hepburn in what really should have been Julie Andrews’ role. Walt Disney knew better, and cast Andrews that same year in Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins, and Julie Andrews, became a smash sensation.

When the press started to dig a bit, and learned that Audrey Hepburn didn’t actually sing her parts — that the beautiful voice behind “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” and “I Could Have Danced All Night” was actually Marni Nixon… well, Jack Warner started to look like a fool for having ditched Julie Andrews. In Julie Andrews’ Oscar acceptance speech for Mary Poppins, she thanked “the man who made this all possible… Jack Warner,” which makes me love Julie Andrews even more.

Marni actually has a brief role in Mary Poppins, as one of the animated geese, but didn’t meet Andrews while working on that film. When Nixon and Andrews later worked together on The Sound of Music (Nixon played one of the nuns), Andrews introduced herself with a hearty handshake, and exclaimed “I really love your work!,” probably with a cheeky look in her eye. Marni also was the singing voice for Maria in West Side Story, and she did some vocal work for a Mr. Magoo album, “Magoo in Hi-Fi” and provided “ethereal voice effects” for some Esquivel albums. She was a very, very successful session singer in Hollywood.

I’m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again — the song’s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, and that voice is loverly:

Click play to hear the Boomerang theme song

This still leaves plenty of holes about Boomerang the show, though. I can fill in a little bit more from my own memories: It aired on channel 4, KOMO, which was Seattle’s ABC affiliate. It was filmed during the late ’70s into the early ’80s, and continued on in reruns for a while. Marni’s co-star was a yellow puppet boy, who looked like a cross between Bert from Sesame Street and Terrence from South Park. I can’t remember his name, and I couldn’t find it online. His name was Norbert. (Thanks melberoo!) There’s one episode in particular that I remember, where Marni was hired to do a commercial for some silver polish, but she tries the polish and it doesn’t work very well, and she decides to not do the commercial. It was a lesson about not whoring oneself out, and whenever I’m faced with similar scenarios, I always think of Marni’s frustration with the silver polish. Overall, the show was on the schmaltzy side, and if we’d had the variety of cable back then, I probably would never have watched it.

So anywhere, there you go. That’s all I could find about the Seattle show Boomerang. Maybe someday something more will show up.

There are currently 138 responses to “Bing Bong Bang, It’s Boomerang!”

  1. 1 On April 7th, 2007, william said:

    i remember boomerang! i don’t think i even really realized it was local. i do remember that my parents took us all to some classical music night(at least that’s how it felt as a child) at some theater in seattle and marnie was the performer singing. the only part of the show i really remember is that for an encore(at least i think it was an encore) she introduced some piece and said it was supposed to be a duet, but she’d do it anyway. well, when it came time for the other singer’s part the conductor turned around and started singing.

  2. 2 On April 8th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Oh, I’m so glad I’m not alone! I imagine this whole post is snoozeville to most of the JYC readers, but I’d hoped it’d mean something to Seattleites.

    I wasn’t sure if it was local myself. As I got older, I figured it must have been, since it wasn’t something that ever got referred to in popular culture.

    I was also looking for info on Hot Fudge (specifically, the opening theme song), which I thought was local, but I was wrong. It was produced in Detroit. We didn’t like Hot Fudge — it was on super early on Saturday mornings, and if we turned on the TV and it was on, we knew we’d miscalculated, and woken up too early. I don’t remember it very well, but I remember the theme song juuuuust enough for it to bug me, and I hope that hearing it again will let it rest. I remember it being funky and weird. Anyway, I couldn’t find the Hot Fudge theme song.

  3. 3 On April 9th, 2007, melberoo said:

    i LOVED this show!!! i was searching the web, trying to find info, but there is none :( i came across this site :) that theme song really brings back memories :) i’m from vancouver, canada and it was on tv here for the same duration it aired in seattle. the little yellow co-star was NORBERT ! there was a character named MELINDA too (pink girl) :)

  4. 4 On April 9th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    NORBERT! Oh, thank you. I kept thinking it was Bert, but I thought that couldn’t possibly be, because he looks too much like Bert from Sesame Street to get away with that. Norbert. Ahhh. I don’t remember Melinda, maybe someday a picture will crop up that will jog my memory.

  5. 5 On April 10th, 2007, craiglaw said:

    Thank you so much for putting the theme song on this site! I don’t think I will get the smile off my face
    for a while after hearing that. I loved the show as a kid. It was the best part of the weekend!
    Long live NORBERT!

  6. 6 On April 17th, 2007, Cat KAz said:

    I, along with a group of other kids, were chosen from the Seattle girls’ choir to sing and tape the Show’s introduction. I’m the one holding the letter “M” on the barn! It was so fun being in the recoring studio with Marni Nixon! I’ve been trying to find a clip of that to show my kids but, alas, have had no luck. Pleae email me if you know how to find stuff like that on the internet! catkaz@comcast.net

  7. 7 On April 18th, 2007, B said:

    Im happy I came accross your website. I was just searching all over for this song. Im happy I found your clip. Thanks:O) It made me smile and brings back great memories of watching this show when I was young. Now I only wish I could see some old shows maybe someone has a copy and can put it up on YouTube?!! I hope.

  8. 8 On April 20th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    I love that so many other people are looking for Boomerang info, too.

    B, I second that, PLEASE let there be someone out there that can put something up on YouTube!

    Cat Kaz, that’s too cool! If I ever track down the opening, I’ll be sure to let you know. You might try contacting KOMO, too — since you’re actually in the opening, it might spark their interest in helping you find the old footage.

  9. 9 On April 25th, 2007, Subacca said:

    Wow. I have been searching for a while to find some info on this show. The theme song has been stuck in my head for a week!

  10. 10 On April 25th, 2007, Scoots said:

    Thank you! Like you, I had no idea it was local until a few weeks ago when I made a joke about Norbert and no one had any idea what I was talking about. Despite my explanation (going so far as to sing the theme song) even the older folks in the group had no idea what it was. Thank you for letting me know I’m not crazy!

  11. 11 On April 25th, 2007, NOLO CONTENDERE: Shouldn’t this title say something witty and amazing? » It comes back to you… said:

    [...] joke about a kids show from way back when I was about three or four years old. The show was called Boomerang, and it was like a third-rate Sesame Street. Hell, it probably wasn’t even that good. But the [...]

  12. 12 On May 30th, 2007, Re: The Boomer Boomerang | boomerang said:

    [...] I m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again the song s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …Sportzia More [...]

  13. 13 On June 2nd, 2007, Travis Moegling said:

    So glad that I found this site. I was beginning to think maybe the whole show was made
    up inside my head! I loved the beginning of the show, when they spelled Boomerang with big
    letters on the side of that old barn. It was a great show with a lot of personality! Would
    be neat to see it back on tv somewhere or youtube!

  14. 14 On June 5th, 2007, Bing Bong Bang, It s Boomerang! | boomerang said:

    [...] with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again the song s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …Sportzia More [...]

  15. 15 On June 11th, 2007, greg said:

    oh wow – i totally remember Boomerang – even though i grew up and lived in Northern BC – we used to get all the Seattle networks – Komo, Kiro, King – back than there were only 3 networks… i used to get up early and watch it every sunday, she always reminded me of julie andrews and norbert – haha – thanks for the memory and glad to see i am not the only one who remembers watching it

  16. 16 On June 13th, 2007, Billy said:

    “Norbert” purchased at a local garage sale for $2.00!

    I found this in the Seattle Times archive today.

    Another fact I learned was that the show was filmed in Carnation, WA on a local farm their.

    September 11, 2002

    Jean Godden / Times staff columnist

    A TV star fallen on hard times

    West Seattle resident Gina Terrana could scarcely believe her eyes at the West Seattle garage sale last week. Could it be? Oh, surely not. But then she paid the price — $2 — and took home the bright yellow puppet with the shock of red fur hair.

    What a bargain.

    Turns out the puppet is Norbert, star of “Boomerang,” a KOMO-TV kids’ series that aired in the ’70s and ’80s. Norbert — although stripped of his trademark rugby shirt — looks like a second cousin to Ernie of “Sesame Street” fame.

    During its heyday, “Boomerang” won some dozen Emmys for Norbert and his buddies, among them puppeteers Lee Olson and Kathy Tolan; writer Nancy Schwedop; performer Marni Nixon; director Ken Schwedop, and producer Barbara Groce.

    Terrana says, “Norbert is staying at my house right now. But if the Museum of History & Industry wants him, let me know. He deserves a secure retirement.”

  17. 17 On June 13th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    Jean Godden, the stalwart bearer of fluffy tidings. $2! That’s unbelievable. Poor Norbert. Thanks for the heads-up!

  18. 18 On June 17th, 2007, How To Make A Boomerang | boomerang said:

    [...] I m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again the song s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …Sportzia More [...]

  19. 19 On June 25th, 2007, Joe Sidlauskas said:

    This is amazing! I’m 38 years old and for the last few mornings i’ve been waking with the
    “Boomerang” song riddled in my head! I had a crush on Marni because of her voice.I knew
    as a child it MUST have been local because of that farm! I also remember someone falling in
    the haypile and getting hay thrown in the face playfully and another child making airplane
    wings with his arms,loved the beginning of the show! I’ve been around the world in the
    military & as a civilian and always had that song with me-and I’m a rocker! Boomerang and
    of course JP Patches were part of what made growing up in the “Great Pacific Northwest” so

  20. 20 On June 29th, 2007, christy marlowe said:

    I am SO GLAD I found this site. Just by chance I decided to look up Boomerang
    and found nothing until now. Thank you for that opening song! It brought back memories.
    I had no idea it was a local show. I, too, loved the opening and wish I could
    see it once again. I also watched Dusty’s Treehouse, Banana Splits, and Star Blazers,
    among some others. I saw J.P. Patches live at some Elks Club event my Grandpa took me to.
    I was picked to go on stage and he made me kiss some boy!! I thought that was so “yucky”
    being so young. Anyway, what neat information I have learned tonight and I think I’ll
    listen to that song once again…..
    Christy- Orting, WA

  21. 21 On July 2nd, 2007, Jill Remensnyder said:

    Ah! Sunday mornings and Boomerang! Good times! No one I know- other than my brother- ever knows what I’m talking about when I start belting out the lyrics to the song! I always thought Melinda was Peppermint Patty’s long last relative in a parallel universe of some sort…

    Maybe it’s time to bring the show back with a hip twist? Is a letter writing campaign in order? Who’s in?

  22. 22 On July 27th, 2007, Scott said:


    I loved this show growing up! It is sooooo cool finding info on the web. Sometimes I feel like I’m the “Last Northwesterner” in the Almost Live sketch. I remember my mother telling be something about the intro being filmed at a barn in Carnation, but am overjoyed to see it here.

    Bing, Bong, Bang…

  23. 23 On August 19th, 2007, Cynthia said:

    Thank you so much for this. I loved this show as a kid, and was beginning to think I dreamed it too. There was also a goody goody little girl puppet named Libby on the show who often acted as a conscience to Norbert and Melinda.

    You should email KOMO and see if they have some archives they would put on You-Tube.

    It’s a funny looking thing, something like an airplane wing and when you throw it….

  24. 24 On August 22nd, 2007, Mischka said:

    Wow……I think a tear actually came to my eye. I have been searching for that song for so long. I’m a washington native, grew up in Gig Harbor and watched the show religiously. I still remembered the words, word for word. Thank you so much for creating this page.
    How can I get a copy of the song?

  25. 25 On August 25th, 2007, Boomerang » Blog Archive » Boomerang Jets Baby Boomerang said:

    [...] I’m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again — the song’s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …more [...]

  26. 26 On August 25th, 2007, Boomerang » Blog Archive » Bing Bong Bang, It’s Boomerang! said:

    [...] I’m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again — the song’s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …more [...]

  27. 27 On August 27th, 2007, Boomerang » Blog Archive » Boomerang said:

    [...] I’m still having trouble reconciling the host of Boomerang with this Hollywood figure, but it comes together a bit when I hear the Boomerang theme song again — the song’s not exactly a winner, but it sure brings back memories, … …more [...]

  28. 28 On September 6th, 2007, mandee said:

    OMG!! Everyone in my family and friends thought I was making this up when I talked about Boomerang!! I would even sing the theme but no one believed me :( Glad to know I’m not insane and others loved this show as much as me! If anyone has footage I’d love to see it. I’ve been looking for tapes for years!

  29. 29 On September 6th, 2007, mandee said:

    Could I get you to email me the song?

  30. 30 On September 7th, 2007, nicole said:

    If you want information on Boomerang, why not contact Komo itself? tips@komo4news.com 206-404-4000

  31. 31 On September 14th, 2007, deanna said:

    I always tried to explain this show to everyone as well!no one remembers it at all.they say im making it up!Ill have to show them this site, yous are my proof!What i remember the most is when they are spelling out boomerang with the letters, and a girl jumping of a ladder into a pile of hay. I would love to see footage of this as well!

  32. 32 On September 26th, 2007, mandee said:

    I did contact them and they said the can’t release anything due to licensing

  33. 33 On October 14th, 2007, Debbie said:

    This was my daughter’s favorite show when she was 2 & 3 years old. I would love to get a copy of an episode or even the theme song for her. If anyone has made any progress in obtaining it, please post.

  34. 34 On November 28th, 2007, Dawn said:

    I had no idea Boomerang was Seattle only – no wonder. Now I just have to figure out that other show from my childhood that is currently driving me crazy. The only thing I remember is that when they sang the alphabet, they ended with Zed instead of Z.

  35. 35 On November 28th, 2007, Dawn said:

    Ooooh, it just came back to me – the Polka Dot Door. Phew.

  36. 36 On December 16th, 2007, Kevin Linn said:

    Hello, I been really looking for this show. I use to watch it when i was younger. I remember watching it at my parents house in Longview Washington. I didn’t know it was local i think i watched it on PBS station.

  37. 37 On January 1st, 2008, Janine said:

    I would love to get copies of this show for my kids. I watched it all the time. Norbert had a friend with a blue face, named Crusher, I Tjhink. The video clip of the opening is now on YouTube. “You throw a ball against the wall, . . .” I can’t get it out of my head.

  38. 38 On January 18th, 2008, Mike said:

    This is SOOOO great!!! I thought I had made it up in my head also, but finally… someone else knows about it!! The song was like a trip down memory lane… I miss this show!

  39. 39 On January 21st, 2008, Busybee said:

    where did you find the opening clip on Youtube, Janine? anyone know?


  40. 40 On February 25th, 2008, Lifetime Boomerang fan said:

    I can’t find anything on YouTube either, and I’ve searched as many different ways as I can think of. Perhaps it’s been removed? If anyone can provide a link or specific keywords, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d appreciate it.

    Norbert was NOT sold at a yard sale. This has become something of an urban legend but the Seattle Times printed a correction just days after the original story. Of course, it’s more fun to spread crazy story like this rather than one of mistaken identity.

    The original story:

    The corrected story:

    You can also download the Boomerang theme (and other NW audio) at the MOHAI website:

    Thanks, Humuhumu, for spreading the word on Boomerang and Marni. Peace.

  41. 41 On March 13th, 2008, Robert Chatel said:

    This show was my all-time fav growing up in everett,washinton.
    that and JC patches ((I guy to see him more than a few times)).
    I like to get that theme-song but the link-does not work.
    Thanks for have this little corner of my childhood on this site.

  42. 42 On March 18th, 2008, LOM said:

    This was a pleasant find today. I was reading a book with my child that talked about a boomerang which instantly made me recall one of my favorite shows as a kid. I was prompted to do an internet search and found this site. I’ve had the same experience as some folks here with my husband who thought I was making this stuff up. The infectious song brings me right back to childhood. I’m totally bummed that I can’t find a clip of it on youtube.com or elsewhere. At least I got to listen to the song again!

  43. 43 On April 11th, 2008, Richard said:

    Wow, hearing that theme song brings back memories. I grew up in British Columbia and watched Boomerang regularly. Now living in Quebec, nobody here has ever heard of the antics of Norbert or Melinda, nor do they know what ‘bing, bong, bang’ means. It is so refreshing to read the entries of others who grew up with Norbert, Marni and company. If anyone ever finds a clip from the show, please please please post it…I’d love to see the gang in action. This show and ol’ JP were very fond memories from my young childhood….thanks for setting up the site.

  44. 44 On April 20th, 2008, nathan said:

    Oh man, it’s so awesome to hear that song! That made my weekend! I grew up in Seattle and used to get up super early every Sunday to watch Boomerang. I’ve never forgotten the intro with the kids holding up the letters against the barn. It would be great to see a clip from the show, or just the opening again. Thank you!

  45. 45 On April 21st, 2008, tim said:

    Funny thing, I didn’t know there was any connection between Julie Andrews and Marni Nixon, as I’d never heard of Marni Nixon until just now, but when I was younger, I got the two mixed up. I remember an episode, though, where Melinda was being a brat to Norbert and sang the song from Sound of Music, “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”. Wonder if there was any intention in making that connection between the two singers?

  46. 46 On April 21st, 2008, tim said:

    Funny thing, I didn’t know there was any connection between Julie Andrews and Marni Nixon, as I’d never heard of Marni Nixon until just now, but when I was little, I thought they were the same person. I remember an episode, though, where Melinda was being a brat to Norbert and sang the song from Sound of Music, “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”. Wonder if there was any intention in making that connection between the two singers?

  47. 47 On April 24th, 2008, Hanna said:

    I am going to do a small film project with my daughters, nieces, and sisters and wanted to “copy” the opening of the show. Someone posted that the barn was in Carnation. Does anyone know where it is, or if it’s still around? I’m so excited!!

  48. 48 On April 25th, 2008, Christina said:

    I too have looked and looked on the internet and came up with nothing. It was a pleasure to listen to the song. I haven’t heard that song since I was a little little girl. Thank you so much for posting this.


  49. 49 On April 28th, 2008, Shi said:

    Oh man, what memories, I loved that show.

  50. 50 On May 15th, 2008, Aaron said:

    I loved Norbert as a kid. I have tried to explain him to non-Seattle Natives, and they just stare like I’m developmentally delayed. Thanks for that! I love Boomerang.

  51. 51 On May 17th, 2008, Tina said:

    I loved this show! I remember watching it and JP Patches. This is wonderful!

  52. 52 On May 31st, 2008, Patricia McClain said:

    I remember this show, especially the theme song, accompanied by images of children carrying giant letters forming the word “Boomerang”. I also vaguely remember an episode where Marni tried to get Norbert to try an artichoke

  53. 53 On June 6th, 2008, Kevin said:

    Listening to that song brought back memories. I am going to send the link to my sister tonight,
    she will not believe it. We watched that show ever Sunday before going to church. I can now
    picture the who show intro in my head after playing the song.

  54. 54 On July 10th, 2008, Linda said:

    I just discovered this website. Have been looking for Boomerang info to show my grandkids and son-in-law. My daughter was one of the little “Boomerang kids” in the opening (she’s the tiny little African American girl in a red dress). She is skipping along and then there is a shot where she is being carried! She was around 4 or 5 years old (I think); it was a very, very long hot day spent on that farm with take after take and she got very tired, so some one picked her up:) I worked at KOMO for years and it was great to see the idea become an multi-Emmy award program. The entire cast and crew were remarkable and in those days we were all truly a team. Your interest and memories stirred up my own experience with the show and now I’m on a real hunt to find some episodes!


  55. 55 On July 10th, 2008, Courtland Andersen said:

    I remember watching Boomerang in the afternoons and mornings when it first started it was on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Tuesdays and Thursdays used to be Dusty’s Treehouse then it moved to Saturdays and Sundaysmmornings on KOMO TV. It was also just on Wednesdays and Fridays and Mondays used to be Kookla Fran and Ollie. I love Libby and Melinda those pupperts were wonderful.

  56. 56 On July 17th, 2008, Stevie said:

    I have to echo what others have said- people think I made this show up and I’d sing the song and still they’d look at me like I was crazy. I loved that big barn- where was that filmed?

  57. 57 On July 29th, 2008, Sean said:

    So the other day the Boomerang theme song popped into my head for no reason… so then it was off to the internet to find out about this show that I vaguely remember from my childhood in Tacoma. Thanks for the research. I guess I’ll check back here every so often. I really wanted to find video clips but that .mp3 REALLY brought back the memories for me.

  58. 58 On August 1st, 2008, Michelle said:

    I never realized this was a local show. I watched it growing up in Tacoma. I really liked it a lot. The thing that sticks in my head is all the kids carrying the giant letters that spelled out BOOMERANG. I am glad so many people remember this show fondly as well.

  59. 59 On August 2nd, 2008, April said:

    I LOVED This song. I also had a tear in my eye. I often think of this song and sing it. I never realized it was a local show – until reading this article. I don’t even know how old I was when I watched this show – but I am 35 now – so I imagine I was pretty young.

    I too am interested in finding a video- I was singing this song and my 14 year old son wondered what i was singing – so I decided to show him a video on youtube and coudn’t find it. So off to google I went. I am so glad I found this site. Hearing that song created a wonderful trip down memory lane.

    I remember the boy flying like he was a plane, the kids holding the letters, the beach ball that Marni threw against the wall and how it bounced back. I sing this song in my head and sometimes out loud… I think it is comforting to me.

    If someone finds a video – or wants to flood Komo with a bunch of emails for some footage – I would be on board.

  60. 60 On August 18th, 2008, Gina said:

    I found the “Norbert” puppet at a yardsale. Stop by my blog and take a look at a picture of it. marypowerwho.blogspot.com

  61. 61 On August 24th, 2008, Jason Mitchell said:

    Awesome resource! I was singing this song to my kids the other day and my wife asked “Did you just make that song up?” I said, no… it’s from Boomerang, the kids show that was on when we were growing up. She said she had never heard of it.

    It makes sense now… I grew up in Seattle and my wife in Minnesota. It was just a local kids show.

    Now that I’ve got evidence, I’m vindicated! Fun times for sure.

  62. 62 On September 6th, 2008, A. Toma said:

    We had this show in Canada! True we were in the Okanagan Valley and the closets American TV stations we recieved were KOMO, KING, KIRO and of course KCTS.
    Boomerang was a Sunday morning staple for my brother and I. I know there were other shows but I can’t rmeber them now. I DO remember that “Gardening With Ed Hume” used to be on before Boomerang! Also, “Rainbow” with Steve Poole aired sometime after Boomerang. I would love to see some clips from Boomerang.

  63. 63 On September 10th, 2008, marnie said:

    [...] [...]

  64. 64 On September 20th, 2008, Boomahwang said:

    I want to see boomahwang on my culahd teevee plssssssssz.

  65. 65 On October 22nd, 2008, LP said:

    Ok so sometimes I sing the theme song for no apparent reason…well mabey if I am being a Spazz or a lil Tipsy. Any of my friends who are not from Seattle are like what the hell is that. And even my friends from home have little to no recollection of the show. I loved the show…well maybe maybe just the song since that is all I can actually remember from the show. And I had to google the lyrics to try and find the name of the show…which lead me here. heh

  66. 66 On October 30th, 2008, ct said:

    I was so glad to find the theme song here, and to also find out more info about this much loved show! I also didn’t realize it was a local show, and didn’t understand why my husband hadn’t heard of the show! I wish I could find where we could get episodes.. I would love to watch it with my daughter!

  67. 67 On November 9th, 2008, Deena Gelsleichter said:

    Just hearing the theme song again brought back so many memories. I tried youtube, google…everything to try to find the show. I’d love to see just one more episode..heck, just the opening credits for that matter! That and Bananarama….wow, those were the good ol’ days!

  68. 68 On November 12th, 2008, Andrew said:

    There was a red headed girl and a black girl puppet. They would play the games, “Is it fast or slow”, and, “What doesn’t belong…and what’s missing”. There were also little story vingettes like “The fox and the grapes”. Norbert was always a little dim and lost the games. I was always jealous of the kids tha tgot to jump in the hay at the beginning.

  69. 69 On December 7th, 2008, Jen said:

    I loved Boomarang! I remember Norbert and his other puppet friend (who was black) Libby. She was the reasonable smart one and he was the goof. Ah, great memories!

  70. 70 On December 21st, 2008, S Ayres said:

    I can’t have been more than 5 years old when I used to watch this. But I remember it always bothered me when one boy jumped in the hay, the other kids threw hay on him and he just lay there unmoving. My little kid mind found it sad or distressing.

  71. 71 On January 22nd, 2009, OZ said:


  72. 72 On January 26th, 2009, Anna said:

    WOW!!! My twin sister and I grew up with Boomerang as well, and like so many who have posted here, would LOVE to see it again. There aren’t too many episodes that I can remember fully, but I DO remember the one posted above of Marni being hired for the polish commercial and then backing out because it didn’t work. I remember Melinda as being a brat and the little negro puppet, Libby, and obviously Norbert!! I just clicked on the song and am proud/embarrassed to say that I remember the whole thing word for word, as well as the visuals of it starting with the big letters being held up, the kid falling into the hay and the other kids brushing more on top of him, and marni leading the kids as they follow her with their arms spread wide like boomerangs. Thank you so much for helping to bring back these memories. If only they would release the show on DVD, or at least youtube. There’s probably so much more I would be amazed and thrilled to remember as I saw complete episodes again.

  73. 73 On January 27th, 2009, Karen said:

    I am Anna’s twin from the above post. I don’t remember as much as she does about the show. I remember the opening theme like I saw it yesterday. However, I don’t recall any memories of what any of the episodes were about. Odd. I remember Norbert with his orange hair but I thought Libby was a caucasion girl with brown hair and I don’t remember Melinda at all. I would LOVE to see the opening theme again. Listening to it is great but seeing it would be even better. A trip down my childhood memory lane for sure.

    Thanks for this website. :-)

  74. 74 On January 29th, 2009, josh said:

    wow i haven’t heard this song since the late 70s and have been looking for it on and off since the late 90s, ty so much. it is now my life goal to find the video of the intro.

  75. 75 On February 4th, 2009, Jonas Clark said:

    I grew up in Seattle, born in ’79, and I too watched this show. I didn’t, and still don’t, remember anything but the theme song and opening/end titles, but those bring back warm memories. I Googled it a few years ago and found zip, a year and a half ago I found a few blurbs mentioning Marni Nixon and noting that it was a local show only. Humuhumu, I never saw Hot Fudge as a kid, but evidently there were two versions of the show – the early one with Arty (Artie?) and a later version with Seymour being the focus. But an entire episode of the early version, in parts, is on YouTube, complete with its awesome trippy, psychedelic cut sequences. Thanks again for posting the theme music, and for making me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy.

  76. 76 On February 8th, 2009, Teressa said:

    I grew up in the Seattle area and I totally remember this show from my childhood! I could always remember the words from the song “…a boomerang, a boomerang…” but nothing else – it would drive me bonkers trying to remember the rest of the song. I also tried singing the song to others but they had no idea what I was talking about. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting the song!

  77. 77 On May 10th, 2009, Jennifer Cavanaugh said:

    I was born in Seattle in 1979 and also remember this show! The funny thing is that my sister, brothers and I never actually watched the show itself. We would turn the channel and if the theme song was starting we would watch and sing along then change it or go outside to play :P I really am hoping that someone will find a VHS tape somewhere in their mom’s basement with at least one episode of the show on it! I wish that someone could be me!

    <3 Boomarang!!!

  78. 78 On May 27th, 2009, sophie said:

    wow talk about nostalgic! blast from the past

  79. 79 On July 20th, 2009, kevin said:

    loved the show as a kid and would love to see old video if it’s around.

  80. 80 On July 23rd, 2009, Mr. Undesirable said:

    Does anybody have a link or Youtube to the end song that Marni sings? “Now it’s time, to say a goodbye. We did play games, we sang a song. And, I’m so glad you could come along. A Boomerang is just for you. Next time watch us…and we’ll look for you too.”

  81. 81 On July 29th, 2009, spring said:

    I have been singing this song to my daughter (and husband) and was SOOOO excited to be able to have them hear the real version I loved as a kid! Thank you soooo much!!!

  82. 82 On July 30th, 2009, A.O. said:

    I was born in 1979, Kalama, WA. I don’t remember anything about the show, but the theme song has been engrained in my head since I was a little girl and I can still sing it. I loved when they held the letters up next to the barn and there as a fence if I’m correct. I want to see that again!!! I can’t find a clip anywhere though.

  83. 83 On September 10th, 2009, Bernadette said:

    I must echo the sentiments of numerous others that people thought I was crazy! I kept trying to tell my husband who grew up in Nevada (considering we watched many other tv shows that were the same and experienced many other ‘fads’ growing up). I watched it at my grandparents who babysat me and they have both passed, my siblings were born after this show so I had no one to corroborate my memory. It makes sense now! Thanks!

  84. 84 On September 20th, 2009, Russ B. said:

    Wow, this brings back memories! I assumed (until now) that this show was made elsewhere and available across the country (the opening could definitely have been filmed in Western WA, but I never really associated it as such when I was a kid – I was even living on a farm at the time).
    I too had trouble finding ANYTHING on the web except for this site (lol, I had to google “boomerang norbert” to get here).

    So hey, why isn’t there at least a stub in Wikipedia about this? (hint, hint)

  85. 85 On September 28th, 2009, Mary said:

    and remember the ending song? “our time has gone. where did it go? it always goes fast when you want it slow. we had some fun, just you and I. and now it’s time to say a goodbye. we did play games. we sang a song. and I’m so glad you could come along. Boomerrang is just for you. Next time look for us. We’ll look for you toooo”. or something pretty close to that. :) loved this show and I’d be embarrassed to tell you all the details I remember about it. –Mary

  86. 86 On October 4th, 2009, Ross said:

    LOL, It’s funny to think shows like this spark the child in us all. The worst part is, when you finally get to see them for the first time in ages, you think “OMG! I cant believed i watched this silly show” :-) I guess over all it’s the memories they bring back that we cherish in our hearts. Koodos to Boomerang for being one of those childish tresures.

  87. 87 On October 13th, 2009, Devyn said:

    I can’t believe that this show seems not to have existed, except in the minds of a handful of people who remember it. I have to say I thought that it *was* Julie Andrews who hosted it. But I was like 4 when it was on so what did I know. Also, it aired in Canada. At least the part of Canada that is directly north of Seattle. Cuz that’s where I am from. But I have only ever found one other person who has even heard of it. Somewhere someone has tapes in their basement and the episodes will finally surface.

  88. 88 On October 15th, 2009, smellanie said:

    YAY! I have been wondering for YEARS if anyone else remembered this show. Just this morning, stuck in my head was “What does it do? It comes back to you!” over and over and over again. I used to have a 45 record with the theme song and a couple of other songs that Marni sang with Norbert. How wonderful to find this! THANK YOU!

  89. 89 On October 17th, 2009, BecauseUAreHere said:

    I was the letter “e” in the credits to Boomerang. I was also the one that couldn’t hammer worth a damn in a close up and was sitting in the very front of the hay pile towards the end of the song. The one kid really did think he was Rodney Allen Rippy during that shoot!

    My neighbor was the producer there (Barbra Groce) and she needed kids one days for this thing she was doing. We went to a float farm in Auburn to shoot the into. Did it in one day. Had lots of fun, had many interactions with Marni (and her daughter was the tall redhead in the front of the line). As my mother liked to say, “I sent her out of the house with Shirley Temple curls and she came home with her shirt tied up around he waist, straight hair and sweat tracks down the dust on her arms.” I have one episode on tape, but will have to figure out a way to get it converted to digital!

    We were paid with sandwiches, craker jacks, pop, paper KOMO kites and a full day of fun and frolic. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!


  90. 90 On October 23rd, 2009, BecauseUAreHere said:

    For those of you who asked for it. The theme to “Boomerang” recorded from an old VHS tape I have. Marni Nixon host, & ME as “e” (no front teeth in yellow).

    Enjoy! http://www.twitvid.com/93C26


  91. 91 On December 14th, 2009, Chris said:

    I’m astonished that I found this site, because I’ve wondered about this show for years! What a treat to see the video of the title sequence. Hearing the recorder flute in the beginning of the song opened up a vault of memories that had been closed-off for decades. And I have to admit, it made me well-up with emotion when I listened and watch the video. I have vivid memories of watching that show as a child, making a point not to miss it.

    When my dad was at work, and my sister at school, I remember being home with my mom, and watching Norbert, Melinda and Marni. I too had a bit of a crush on Marni. Maybe I thought she was cute or something, or maybe it was her singing ability.

    It would be wonderful if we could get access to the episodes. Why would KOMO appose releasing them?

    Again, seeing this seriously brought tears to my eyes, and made me long to be a child again.

    Thanks so much for posting information about this great show.

    “Bing Bong Bang it’s Boomerang!”

    Seattle, WA

  92. 92 On December 21st, 2009, Carla said:

    This afternoon while talking to a friend, she said something about a boomerang and somewhere from deep within the recesses of my mind popped out the Bing-bong-Bang it’s Boomerang song.

    Thanks for posting this! I was amazed that it was Marni Nixon too!

    Childhood Bellevue, WA resident :D

  93. 93 On December 21st, 2009, david mackenzie said:

    link to youtube video i just put up:

    i watched the show from vancouver, bc in the late 70′s.

    i have had a Boomerang 45rpm record for decades and play it all the time at parties to separate the 30+ year old pacific northwesters from the rest of the crowd.

    love all the comments here – especially the one about the unsettling feeling associated with the kid getting hay thrown on him. That brought back memories!

    and most of all, it was a pleasure to read from those who were there with the show, particularly those who participated in the filming of the opening piece. it’d be sweet to reunite you all, give you some big letters, and recreate that opening theme video. :)

  94. 94 On December 24th, 2009, Shannon said:

    Thank you to those of you who took the time to post music and video – such a wonderful thing to revisit. Isn’t it amazing that such a show can stick with you so strongly, visually and audibly? So catchy! So glad to share this with my family – my 3 year old was singing it for days after I played it for him. David Mackenzie posted an episode on YouTube, but I couldn’t find it. Has it been removed once more? Why does it seem to be such an issue to post? I enjoyed at least seeing the opening posted on Twitter – thank you again for that!

  95. 95 On December 24th, 2009, david mackenzie said:


    Boomerang TV show theme with Marni Nixon

    that’s the link and the title of the youtube video i posted…
    it’s me playing a vinyl recording of Boomerang music (it’s not an episode)…
    and it should work now.

  96. 96 On January 2nd, 2010, chloe said:

    when i was six i had just found a frind she was called libby i play whith her all day and one day i said i hope we can be frind’s for ever i am now 8 and we are stil frend’s and i love broomarang my favrut prowgram is……….TOM AND JERRY

  97. 97 On January 8th, 2010, Ellaine said:

    Wow… I watched this as a kid in Vancouver, BC in the 70′s and I have always wondered about it. I loved the show and my only memories were of the Boomerang song at the begining. I also remembered that I marveled at the freedom the kids had running around the barn and the grassy areas. I grew up as a latch key kid in downtown Vancouver so I was very envious.

    Now that I have my own kids, I’d love for them to see the shows I grew up with. I also remember the Polka Dot Door. Thank goodness I can find some clips on Youtube on that show. If only someone could post clips from Boomerang there too…

  98. 98 On January 10th, 2010, Kari said:

    I can’t believe I found this website. I loved Bing bang bong… it was my favorite show growing up. Now that I’m grown I wish I could find the show on dvd for my son b/c I know he’d like it too and I’d rather him watch this show then some of the junk they have out now a days. Anyway, loved the show.

  99. 99 On January 10th, 2010, Kari said:

    I can’t believe I found this website. I loved Bing bang bong… it was my favorite show growing up. Now that I’m grown I wish I could find the show on dvd for my son b/c I know he’d like it too and I’d rather him watch this show then some of the junk they have out now a days. Anyway, loved the show.

  100. 100 On January 19th, 2010, Raegan said:

    Thank you so much for this trip down memory lane. I watched Boomerang in Vancouver in the late 70′s and loved it. Loved the opening sequence with the song. As an adult, I too thought the show was hosted by Julie Andrews because the voice was so similar. Thank you very much – the memory is priceless.

  101. 101 On January 24th, 2010, Benjamin Lukoff said:

    Love this. Thanks for the video and audio links. Oh, if only KOMO’s hands weren’t tied!

  102. 102 On January 26th, 2010, Sean McMIllan said:

    My job requires me to inspect various peoples’ homes. Today I did a house in rural Snohomish/Woodinville. It was going like any inspection, when I noticed a picture on the wall of a lady with a puppet. I knew I had seen that puppet before. The owner explained that it was his wife who worked the puppets. He then informed me that they still had them (displayed) in the family room. Seeing those puppets again brought back a lot of childhood memories. Now I’m here, posting.

  103. 103 On February 11th, 2010, Imalshen said:

    Wow, I think I saw this just once or twice when I was very very young and still lived in Seattle. If it’s from the 70′s it was definitely a rerun or on a tape because I was born in the late 80′s. I just kept having flashbacks of it and tried googling it. Glad to see I’m not crazy! :D

  104. 104 On February 14th, 2010, Lisa 1979 said:

    I’m from Vancouver and loved this show too as a child. My older sister seems to think I make up most of my childhood memories because she does not remember the same things or as much as myself. However, I know I am not crazy making things up thanks to all of you cool people out there in the Northwest who remember “Boomerang” as well. I love how some of the children that were in the opening credits have commented on here too. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s memories. The other show that I watched too that no one seems to remember but me was “Jeremy the Bear”.

  105. 105 On February 14th, 2010, KS said:

    Aww…I was going CRAZY trying to remember where Norbert was from. I was thinking he was a Muppet but finally asked my mom and she immediately remembered Boomerang! I didn’t even remember that show until she said it! And then watching the VHS recording of the opening was sooo sweet. Thank you for that. I wish there were more episodes. I’m going to call and email KOMO and see what they can do. They’ve GOT to be able to post a little something. I loved JP Patches too. :-*

  106. 106 On February 21st, 2010, Shannon said:

    Thank you so much for this website and the links to the opening and theme music. I played the theme song and sang every word with my 11 and 15 year old daughters staring at me with confusion and amusement. :) When I played the video of the opening I actually cried…lol…life has moved on very quickly and it was so nice to remember a time when life was so much more simple….Sunday mornings, Boomerang, and Church. I was not aware that it was a “local” TV show, but then again, I was around 5-9 so I don’t think I cared as long as it was on. Thx again for providing a place to share our thoughts and memories :)

  107. 107 On March 21st, 2010, Patricia McClain said:

    Does anyone know where I can find the Boomerang themesong in MP3 format? I’m making a CD of themesongs from kids shows I used to watch as a child.

  108. 108 On March 29th, 2010, TT said:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
    It is a blessing to find your site.

  109. 109 On April 30th, 2010, Lana said:

    how come i can’t play the old theme on youtube from the show boomerang, a long,long time ago i used watch it when i was little.
    so my request is to play the old theme song on youtube.it one i remember on tv. thanks i hope i will see this soon.

    bye for now.

  110. 110 On May 27th, 2010, Chris said:

    I have been scouring the internet for this for years. Thank you.

  111. 111 On June 7th, 2010, Ryan said:

    Came across the theme song on YouTube.


  112. 112 On June 16th, 2010, Ryan said:

    Wow… thanks to all who have contributed to this post. The video intro of Boomerang brought back a flood of memories. I used to watch this show in the mornings before my parents woke up… it was just what was on when I turned on the TV in Seattle. I also had no idea this was a Seattle local show and was dismayed to not find videos of it on YouTube (I guess I’m spoiled by the internet). Thank you everyone!

  113. 113 On June 22nd, 2010, Jessi said:

    I’m so glad I’m not crazy. For years I’ve tried to find info on this. I guess what is most annoying to me is that it’s not listed on Marni’s IMDB page. I had to resort to googleing what I could remember of the opening song (which for having not heard it for 25+ years was a shocking amount).


  114. 114 On July 29th, 2010, josh said:

    holy smokes i can’t believe i found the video intro on this site. this is awesome, brings back memories.

  115. 115 On August 20th, 2010, Brandi said:

    I loved this show when I was little. I’m so glad I finally found a little info on it. :)

  116. 116 On September 5th, 2010, Heidi said:

    I just looked this up after watching the sound of music. I knew Marni was one of the nuns. I loved boomerang, and thank you soo much for the song. I almost was 5 years old again! Norbert and Libby was the other puppets name. I also seem to remember a bird that came down from somewhere with a message. I may be wrong it has been a while. Thanks again!

  117. 117 On October 5th, 2010, julia said:

    YES! My life is now complete.

  118. 118 On December 6th, 2010, Tony said:

    I have a high quality copy of the opening credits I got from KOMO a few years back on VHS. I will rip it and post it for all to see. Thank you for posting this teaser. It is wonderful to see!

  119. 119 On December 16th, 2010, Ryan said:

    Hi Tony!

    Did you rip the opening credits? We’re all dying to see it! :)


  120. 120 On December 17th, 2010, Wazzukid said:

    Ok, so I am trying to explain my old Voltron toy to my 4 year old. From there we look at old cartoons on youtube, Voltron, Gummy Bears, New Zoo Review, and …..Boomerang. Nothing about Boomerang, so I do a search and come across this web site. I had never known that Boomerang was broadcast in Seattle, but wait, it is all coming together. Does anyone remember going with their parents to Nordstrom (a company started in Seattle)and buying shoes. They used to give you a balloon called Norbert, which resembled the character on Boomerang. Is there any connection? just a thought. Kind of interesting trivia since there is so little about Boomerang on the internet, but there is a video of every episode for other oldies but goodies.

  121. 121 On December 29th, 2010, Nana58 said:

    I watched this show with my daughter when she was small. Both of us loved it.

  122. 122 On December 30th, 2010, Finn said:

    I remember being very little and watching what must have been re-runs of this show. I’m 23 now, and the only thing I can really remember of this show was the theme song… and possibly some kids carrying around some gigantic letters.

    This song totally brings me back, though. I, like so many others here, was looking everywhere for this show. I guess this is the hub where all of us must go. I don’t think there is any sign of Boomerang anywhere else online.

  123. 123 On February 15th, 2011, Rob Anderson said:

    man… I’ve been talking to my 3 and 5 year old about this show and the song forever. Thank you for finding it…

  124. 124 On April 6th, 2011, Tony said:

    I FINALLY got around to ripping the HQ version of the opening credits to the show. It is uploaded to YouTube and to my own site, which is a better quality than YouTube. Here are the links:




    Sorry it took me so long, but here you go!!


  125. 125 On June 1st, 2011, sarah said:

    So glad I am not the only person trying to find Boomerang. I grew up in Seattle. I watched Boomerang all the time. For those of you who still live in the Seattle area. I read that MOHAI has the original Norbert puppet. Some guy found it at a yard sale. Bing, Bong, Bang.

  126. 126 On June 2nd, 2011, sarah said:

    Thank you Christy from Orting. You mentioned Star Blazers. I loved that show. But I was begining to think I made it up. No one else in my family remembered it. Now I don’t think I am losing my mind. Also, just watched the opening of Boomerang on youtube. I almost cried. I started singing along with it. Now I can’t get it out of my head. OH well. Worse things could be stuck up there. Thanks again to all who recall this show. Someone should make a facebook page for Boomerang fans like us.

  127. 127 On July 12th, 2011, Brenda said:

    I have always remembered this show! I had no idea it was a local Seattle show. Too bad there isnt anything on DVD would love to get it for my kid

  128. 128 On August 7th, 2011, Nikki said:

    Bees keep on flying round the room.

    Mother will help me if I ask her.

    I will run faster than they can.

    Put them together it’s Boomerang

    Bing, Bong, Bang
    Bing, Bong, Bang
    It’s Boomerang!

    Bing, Bong, Bang
    Bing, Bong, Bang
    It’s Boomerang!


    A boomerang, a boomerang
    What does it do?
    (What does it do?)
    It comes back to you!
    (it comes back to you!)

    A Boomerang, a boomerang
    Bing, bong, bang it’s Boomerang!

    You throw a ball against a wall
    and what does it do?
    It comes back to you!
    Like a boomerang, boomerang!
    Boom, bong, bang, that’s boomerang!

    We all have seen a trampoline,
    where you bounce so high
    and then down you fly
    like a boomerang, boomerang
    Bing, bong, bang it’s boomerang!

    It’s a funny looking thing
    Something like an airplane wing
    And when you throw it ever so high
    So high it seems to hide in the sky
    It fools you with it’s specialness
    while turning around and falling back!

    A boomerang, a boomerang.
    what does it do?
    (what does it do?)
    It comes back to you!
    (It comes back to you!)

    A boomerang, a boomerang.
    bing, bong, bang, it’s boomerang!

  129. 129 On August 7th, 2011, Nikki said:

    oops – there’s a ‘boom’ in there that should have been a ‘bing’ lol

  130. 130 On August 26th, 2011, Mr. Undesirable said:

    Does anybody have the Ending Song to post on Youtube, where we see Marni singing “Our time is gone, where did it go,” etc? Somebody put the 45 rpm record of it on Youtube, which was nice. Norbert…the Lemonhead!!

  131. 131 On September 3rd, 2011, Steph said:

    The opening sequence is now on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DIWL6Uiz68&feature=related

  132. 132 On September 29th, 2011, Shebakoby said:

    Oh, I wondered why Marni sang like Julie Andrews! :P

    Yeah, we saw Boomerang on KOMO as well, though across the border.

    I seem to recall some real life kids, though I may be confusing it with something else.

  133. 133 On January 18th, 2012, Travis said:

    I remember searching for Boomerang online a few years ago and reading something about KOMO cleaning out their vaults and throwing all of the Boomerang episodes and puppets into the dumpster. I just looked again to see if I could find the article/blog that I read, but no luck. If anyone has any copies of this or any inclination to bug KOMO and see what can be done about the licensing involved with getting dvds made of this show, it might be high time to get busy on that! I would be utterly crushed to see such an important piece of local history vanish forever.

  134. 134 On January 27th, 2012, mthomas said:

    My husband started singing part of this song this morning, but we could not remember the rest of it. I’m sooo glad I found this and the song. I loved it as a kid and still love it as a mother.

  135. 135 On May 12th, 2012, Erin said:

    Thank you so much! I loved this show when I was a kid. I woke up thinking about it this morning and I having been searching for it off and on for years. I did not know it was local. I watched from Snohomish. :) Thanks for all the info, and glad to know I’m not the only one that remembers and loved this show.

  136. 136 On July 22nd, 2012, Greg said:

    The blue boy’s name was Rookie, a late addition to the roster. I assume they added him because Norbert needed a male friend. Rookie was big and looked kind of intimidating, so it was easy for a casual watcher to mistake him for Crusher. As for Crusher, he was an unseen character – a school bully who terrorized Norbert, or at least made his life uncomfortable.

  137. 137 On December 15th, 2012, Lynne said:

    Where do we find a clip or episodes? I LOVED this show and did not realize that it was local…

  138. 138 On May 13th, 2013, Rob K said:

    Well, I’ll hazard a post amongst the spam. Thank you for the memories.

    Here is an episode description from the historic Seattle Times.

    1975/12/7. Wed 10:30am, Boomerang: Norbert and Libby are stuck indoors on a rainy day and have to put their imaginations to work. Marni sings “Supercalifragilistic.”

    Also, the first episode was given rave reviews by the paper, on the subject of friendship. Marni sang “Getting to know you.”

    Norbert was first, and Libby joined after three months for the Christmas special. Two new holiday songs were written, “Nicer in December” and “Something is Happening”. Bush School students appeared as carolers.

    Boomerang won three Emmy awards 1976 for puppeteer Lee Olson, host Marni Nixon and writer Nancy Schwedop. Over its run it pulled in 26 total, 4 for Nixon.

    Only 3000 of the Boomerang 45s were made, and about 300 of them were mislabeled.

    In 1977 the show expanded to twice a week and won an award from Action for Children’s TV for “its use of story and song to ease the process of growing up.”

    In 1979 Lee Olson left for Los Angeles.

    You should also read this, http://www.broadwaytovegas.com/November2,2008.html