7th April 2007

Pee and Poo Are Friends.

We are Pee&Poo.

Pee and Poo
Pee and Poo

Escapees from the bathroom, we are entering the world on a journey filled with new adventures. Maybe we can stay with you for a while?

Pee & Poo tattoos
Pee&Poo tattoos

Decades of forward-thinking Scandinavian design have finally reached their pinnacle in this: Pee&Poo. Called Kiss&Bajs in their native Swedish, these lil’ darlins of the toilet world are the creation of Emma Megitt. There’s a whole line of products, including plush toys, keychains, underpants, socks (?) and t-shirts, for both kids and adults. Strangely, no potty training books — I guess this is just Pee&Poo for pee & poo’s sake, which I can kind of understand.

The strangest product has to be this set of traditional sailor-style Pee&Poo Tattoos, with skulls and crossbones (in the shape of a deceased Pee and Poo), anchors, and toilet paper banners. My favorite thing about Pee&Poo, though, is their Pee&Poo rainbow. I want one painted on the wall of my bathroom, with the end landing right on the terlet.

I can’t imagine a better thing to be occupying the domain name peeandpoo.com.

There are currently 9 responses to “Pee and Poo Are Friends.”

  1. 1 On April 7th, 2007, Hanford said:

    I just love that brown-to-yellow rainbow. That website has totally made me rethink the brown and yellow color scheme.

  2. 2 On April 8th, 2007, Tiki Avengers said:

    Did you say Pee and Poo “UNDERPANTS”. As those crazy internet kids say these days OMFG…

    And on the tattoo set, what in the hell is that little white thing, with the bones suppose to be?

    I think I need a strong rum drink, right about now…

  3. 3 On April 8th, 2007, Tiki-Kate said:

    I fear to look, yet I cannot turn away…I love that there’s a place called F Art in L.A. that carries the Pee and Poo merchandise.

  4. 4 On April 8th, 2007, Humuhumu said:

    I’m completely relieved … erm, bad choice of words … I’m completely thankful that I don’t like the adult t-shirts. Once again, I’ve been saved from myself!

  5. 5 On March 13th, 2008, toni lawrence said:

    hahahahahahah lol thy r well funny i want my bedroom as thm lol n im gunna get a tatoo n loadsa plush dolls lol hahahahahahahahahaha………………………………………

  6. 6 On January 29th, 2009, Sugar beets said:

    Kitty Katt love

  7. 7 On March 2nd, 2009, tylerp said:

    the white ones are the skull and crossbones from the pee and poo

  8. 8 On April 6th, 2009, cozymodo 14 said:

    its a good way to cheeach kids how poo and peee comes out lolololollolo hehehehehehe

  9. 9 On April 6th, 2009, cozymodo 14 said:

    its a good way to cheeach kids how poo and peee comes out lolololollolo hehehehehehe