8th December 2007

The Mr. Belvedere Fun Kit

It’s true — if you wanted to have fun while watching Mr. Belvedere, you needed a kit to assist you. I want one. If you listen closely you can hear a rockin’ instrumental cover of Leon Redbone’s Mr. Belvedere theme song.


[via Humuhumu, and Defamer]

There are currently 2 responses to “The Mr. Belvedere Fun Kit”

  1. 1 On December 14th, 2007, Monica said:

    I want one!!!

  2. 2 On December 29th, 2007, RedBetty said:

    “To tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, and to be born unto a new world where his flesh is my key”!!!

    Remember: It’s OK to want to have a friendly dinner with him, but it’s not OK to want to keep him locked in a giant jar with holes poked in the top.