4th October 2008

The Most Magnificent Tattoo Ever

Yeah, yeah, yeah… this was everywhere a few months ago. But let’s look at it again!

Swayze tattoo

Why, yes, yes, that is exactly what you think it is. A tattoo on a man’s calf, of Patrick Swayze as a Chippendale’s dancer/centaur, on a field of purple haze-sky, with criss-crossed rainbows behind him.

There will never be another tattoo more majestic than this one (Move over Celtic Colonel Sanders tattoo, now there’s something surrealler). It’s really too good to be true. I think this picture should be displayed on your television set on Easter morning, a la the Yule Log. Enjoy.

[Don't miss the rest of this jaw-dropping celebrity tattoo gallery at Entertainment Weekly.]

There are currently 2 responses to “The Most Magnificent Tattoo Ever”

  1. 1 On October 12th, 2008, MrBaliHai said:

    Is it just me, or does that look like it was drawn on with Magic Marker?

  2. 2 On July 21st, 2010, Tweets that mention The Most Magnificent Tattoo Ever » Junkyard Clubhouse -- Topsy.com said:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Meg, Jim Pavlik. Jim Pavlik said: The Most Magnificent Tattoo Ever » Junkyard Clubhouse http://ow.ly/2eNh0 [...]