11th March 2007

Luie Luie Will Pierce Your Innermost With His Pearly Trumpet

Luie Luie, Creator of "TOUCHY"
Luie Luie, Creator of "TOUCHY"

One of my more prized possessions is this LP. Meet Luie Luie. Luie Luie recorded this album in 1971 — he composed, arranged and played all the music on this album. Luie Luie, you see, is a dynamo.

He hoped to spur a new dance craze, called the Touchy. As Luie Luie explains in one of several opening monologues, Touchy songs all start with a “wiiiiiild trumpet introduction,” signalling that it is time to start dancing the Touchy. To dance the Touchy, you dance however you want, as long as you are touching your partner. Any body part will do: nose-to-nose, elbow-to-elbow, toe-to-bellybutton, “or what have you.”

I was hepped to Luie Luie thanks to Hanford and his copy of Songs in the Key of Z, which has the first song from this album, “El Touchy”:

Click play to hear El Touchy, and be forever changed

Once I heard it, I knew I had to track down this album. It wasn’t easy, but it was well worth it — surprisingly, not just for the songs, but for the astounding text on the back of the album. Just when I thought the writing had reached the apex of absurdity, bang! — it got weirder. And weirder. The internet’s many Chuck Norris biographers could learn a thing or two from the back of this album. When I die, I want my eulogy to simply be someone reading the back of this album, replacing “Luie Luie” with “Humuhumu.”

Luie Luie is never one to disappoint his audience, and to celebrate his inimitable spirit, I offer for you here, today, in its entirety, the actual liner notes from this album, formatted as close to the original as I could muster. Enjoy.

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posted in Midcentury, Music | 7 Comments

10th March 2007

DNA Twister: One of the Dorkier Things I’ve Done

ISB faculty playing DNA Twister
ISB faculty playing DNA Twister

I was working at the Institute for Systems Biology when the 50th anniversary of Watson & Crick‘s discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA rolled around. I had the great luck of working right next to Rich Bonneau, a brilliant scientist who made sure to interject into every — every — talk or meeting that we should really be focusing more on putting kangaroo tails on humans. Rich was, and I assume still is, all kinds of awesome.

DNA Twister mat
DNA Twister mat

Anyway, to mark the 50th anniversary of the discovery of DNA’s structure, Rich and I got a Twister mat and marked each of the four colors on it as one of the four bases that make up the structure of DNA: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine. We used the spinner to assign which hand or foot was in play, but we used an actual bit of DNA to tell the players where to stick it. I don’t remember what the DNA sequence was from — I think it was one of the genes on human chromosome 14. The ISB faculty joined in, and it was so! funny! when we hit a repeat sequence! HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA!

I guess you had to be there.

posted in Science! | 4 Comments

10th March 2007

Hobo Soup

I have been hoping for a return of mainstream hobo vernacular. If I could still get this, I would eat it every day.

Hobo Soup

Wow, it even works with our website colors. [From an eBay Auction, via Booberry Alarm Clock]

UPDATE: It turns out they still make and sell the stuff. (thanks Humu for the tipoff!)

posted in Design, Food, Midcentury | 13 Comments

10th March 2007

Baker’s Coconut Cut-Up Cakes

Baker's Coconut Animal Cut-Up Cakes
Baker’s Coconut Animal Cut-Up Cakes

I’ve had this up on my photo pages for a while, and it’s perfect for Junkyard Clubhouse. This Animal Cut-Up Cakes booklet, put out by Baker’s Coconut in 1959, has full-color photos and instructions to make about a dozen different animal-shaped cakes by cutting up standard size round and rectangular cakes — and then encrusting them with unnaturally tinted Baker’s Coconut, of course. That’s Dandy-Lion pictured there on the cover, I had him for my fifth birthday. My brother had Fanny the Fish for one of his early birthdays.

My grandmother probably ordered away for it, it wound up with my mother, and I’ve had it with me since I moved out of the house. Aside from my sentimental attachment to it, I also think it’s beautifully designed and photographed, and it is just so 1959 (right down to the illustrations of a housewife baking in a dress and high heels). I have the whole thing scanned and up at Humuhumu’s Life in Photos, where you can see Tortie the Turtle, Ella Elephant, Quack-Quack the Duck, and all their coconutty friends.

This booklet inspired me to create a cut-up cake of my own design, a hula girl — you’ll find directions for her there, too.

UPDATE: Looking for Easter Bunny Cut-Up Cakes? I’ve got some here: Baker’s Coconut Easter Bunny Cut-Up Cake

Fanny the Fish Cut-Up Cake
Fanny the Fish Cut-Up Cake

posted in Crafts, Food, Midcentury | 122 Comments

10th March 2007

Man In Space

Man in Space

The wonderful Disney Blog 2719 Hyperion has a great piece on the Man In Space episode of Walt Disney’s Wonderful World Of Color, (the episode turned 52 just a few days ago). The episode is a peek into what the 1950s envisioned the future of space travel to be like. It features both live action lectures by Disney animator Ward Kimball and rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, as well as some animated futurist visuals that are not to be missed. 2719 Hyperion does a better job than I do at really coveying the impact of this midcentury science film:

Perhaps the most interesting footnote about Man in Space is the largely unnoticed impact it had on the development of the U.S. space program. President Eisenhower was so impressed with the program, he requested a print of the film to screen for high-ranking Pentagon officials, which was evidently instrumental in kick starting the country’s space initiatives.

Tomorrowland DVD

Check out 2719 Hyperion’s post on Man In Space. If you’re nuts about it like I am, be sure to pick up the Tomorrowland DVD, which contains Man In Space along with a few other not-to-be-missed Space Age edutainment shorts from Disney’s timeless TV show.

posted in Animation, Disney, Midcentury, Science!, Space Age, Television | 1 Comment

10th March 2007

Death to Comic Sans

A movement I can get behind — a call to halt the chronic infestation of the horrid typeface Comic Sans:

Cringe-inducing abuse of Comic Sans. From Comic Sans Flickr pool
Cringe-inducing abuse of Comic Sans. From the Comic Sans Flickr pool

Like the tone of a spoken voice, the characteristics of a typeface convey meaning. The design of the typeface is, in itself, its voice. Often this voice speaks louder than the text itself. Thus when designing a “Do Not Enter” sign the use of a heavy-stroked, attention-commanding font such as Impact or Arial Black is appropriate. Typesetting such a message in Comic Sans would be ludicrous. Though this is sort of misuse is frequent, it is unjustified. Clearly, Comic Sans as a voice conveys silliness, childish naivete, irreverence, and is far too casual for such a purpose. It is analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume.

And it’s not even a very good clown costume.

posted in Design | 1 Comment

9th March 2007

If Bruce Willis Moved to Japan

…and lost 75 pounds (none of it from his head):

[via Defamer]

posted in Television | 1 Comment

9th March 2007

It’s the Banshee!

Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up — that means it’s nearly time for one of my very favorite movies: Darby O’Gill and the Little People. Darby O’Gill is a live-action Disney film from 1959. It doesn’t get as much attention as I think it should.

Darby O'Gill fiddles a tune for the Leprechauns
Darby O’Gill fiddles a tune for the Leprechauns, ©Disney

Reasons you should watch the Darby O’Gill and the Little People DVD:

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posted in Disney, Midcentury | 5 Comments

9th March 2007

Tripping the Pickle Fantastic

Electric Pickle demonstration from Duchamp on YouTube

I got this from Penn & Teller’s very fun 1992 book, “How to Play With Your Food“. I picked up all kinds of neat tricks from that book, but this is far and away my favorite: the glowing pickle trick. I’ve done this dozens of times. It’s pretty simple really: you just plug a pickle into the wall. You’re probably saying to yourself “that sounds dangerous,” and you’re right — it is. As a matter of fact, Penn & Teller’s book doesn’t actually tell you how to do it — they just point out that it’s possible, without giving instructions. I like you better than Pell & Teller do, though, so I’m going to tell you the particulars. But still — this involves exposed wires, which makes it dangerous, so don’t do it. Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, here’s how to do it:

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posted in Crafts, Food, Science! | Comments Off

8th March 2007

Lustlab Ads by Ellen Forney

Lustlab ad, by Ellen Forney
Lustlab ad, by Ellen Forney

Lustlab is the kinky personals section for Seattle’s alternative weekly, The Stranger. Ellen Forney is a primo Seattle-based comic & illustration artist, who’s been a fixture on The Stranger’s pages for many years now.

Each week, Ellen takes one of the actual ads running in Lustlab, and turns it into a single-panel comic. She gets really inventive with it — an ad looking for a spanking is in the shape of a handprint, an ad talking about a rather delicate piercing is depicted graphically using the words of the text, and this ad takes the “daddy” and “third wheel” refrerence where it logically needs to go: Ed “Big Daddy” Roth territory. You can see all of Ellen’s Lustlab ads here. Borderline NSFW (more for the text than the images). There’s also a book of her Lustlab ads planned for 2008 by Fantagraphics. [via Robot Action Boy]

[UPDATE: Since this got picked up by BoingBoing, Ellen Forney's web server has seized up; a kind soul has uploaded her Lustlab ads onto Flickr. Besure to check them out on her website once it's back up again, though, because she shares a lot of insight into how she created each ad.]

posted in Art | 2 Comments