23rd March 2007

Nose Cups

Oh. Dear. Lord. I love these, but I wish they made them back when I was twelve.

Nose Cups

[via cribcandy]

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22nd March 2007

It’s Just Crazy Enough to Work…

This one’s just for the girls in the audience. The ones that aren’t squeamish.

Read the rest of this entry »

posted in Tech | 11 Comments

22nd March 2007

Poop Back and Forth. Forever.

The romantic musings of a seven-year-old. [via Darth Daddy]

posted in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments

21st March 2007

Mystery Icons

Okay JYC readers, are you awake? I’m going to post these nifty icons, and then you tell us what they are. Not just where they’re from, but let us know what each icon actually represents. After they’ve all been guessed (or if too much time passes by) I’ll post more about this fantastic set. Post your guesses in the comments.

Mystery Icons

posted in Art, Design, Disney | 5 Comments

21st March 2007

19th Century Clipper Cards

These Clipper Cards make me want to go settle some new territory. An amazing use of color and typography.

Clipper Cards

[Via John Nack, I believe]

posted in Art, Design | Comments Off

21st March 2007

The Mii Lebowski

I don’t know who did this, but it’s nearly as good as the the fucking short version:

The Mii Lebowski

[via Defamer]

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21st March 2007

Supreme Monkey Exercise Challenge

Chimps make crappy Lose Weight Exercise buddies. Or perhaps, if Tiki-Kate is right, they make evil Lose Weight Exercise buddies. Or maybe the dog’s just lazy. [via Spectre Collie]

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21st March 2007

Drink! Coasters! Of! Death!

According to Scary Ideas, these coasters were placed in popular bars throughout Mumbai by the Mumbai Traffic Police, as a reminder of the dangers of driving drunk.

Bloody coasters from Mumbai
Bloody coasters from Mumbai

The coasters were printed using a special red dye that only appears when the coaster gets wet — so when a drink’s condensation runs down the glass to the coaster, it creates a ring of blood. Yowzers!

This is a pretty good, if unsettling, use — I wonder if we’ll see this special dye used again in a more jovial form at Halloween. [via BoingBoing]

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20th March 2007

The Best Puppy Fifty Cents Can Buy

Hanford just picked up this little plastic puppy:

My new puppy
My new puppy
So very wee!
So very wee!

It’s really little — you can see me holding it in my fingers here — and I’ve got teeny fingers. He found it in one of those coin-operated kiddie machines, and got it for two quarters. This thing is just insanely detailed. I’ve got it blown way up in that picture above so you can see all the little features. The eyes and nose are painted on, and they’re just perfect. The fur, the mouth, the ears — every detail is meticulously defined. Fifty cents goes a long way in the puppy-crafting trade, apparently.

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20th March 2007

What 1,600 Chairs Crammed Between Two Buildings Looks Like

Doris Salcedo installation, photo by Sergio Clavijo
Doris Salcedo installation,
photo by Sergio Clavijo

I’m fascinated by this art installation by Columbian artist Doris Salcedo. In 2003, Salcedo stacked 1,600 wooden chairs in an empty space between two buildings in Istanbul, for the International Istanbul Biennale.

Doris Salcedo installation

Where did she get so many chairs? How did she get them in there? How did she get them out? What was done with them when the installation was removed? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN???

No really, what does it all mean? I can’t find any information on what her inspiration or message was for this. The website linked above notes “Salcedo often takes specific historical events as her point of departure,” so I get the idea I’m missing part of the story. I don’t need to know what it means to think it’s very cool, though. [via design*sponge]

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